Show SPECIAL = AFTER A CART PUL TT iV WE FIND THAT THE GRADE OF THREE lJ t OWN TJ RING POWDER WE HAVE BEEN MAKING IS TV 13 BET THAT CAN m MADE FOR THE PRICE CHARGED WE lit E J1KTTBMINED TO MANUFACTURE THE PUREST AND BEST CJEAVL Ti iAK BAKING POWDER THAT CAN BE MADE AND THOUGH aHE MUOE WILL BE SLIGHTLY ADVANCED IT WILL Ii HAVE MOUE LEAVENING STRENGTH AND WILL BE CHEAPER IN z j THE END AFTER AUGUST 15 1805 THERE WILL BE A BLUE i LUJEL ON THE COVER WORDED HEWLETT BROS IMPROVED ssp HIGHGRADE THREE CROWN BAKING POWDER EVERY CAN GUARANTEED TO DE EQUAL TO THE BEST IN THE MARKET OR MONEY HEPUNDED AND WB ASK YOU TO KINDLY GIVE IT A 1 KSWLSXT XO Kin halt Lk ash JJUk 1 I OAKLEY Thin choicest closeIn residence subdivision subdi-vision In Salt Lnlto City 3S3 lots sold sluco April 17th 05 17t119WHY WHY It Is right In tho city only 12 minutes drlvo from business center high ground splendid view purroiindod by nice house wldo streets Lola Ifill feet drop to alloy 10J fool wide Now M90 to 175 per Lot Only half thcilr present value Sio cash 310 per month No liitonnt no taxes until paid for Annual 1st prices will ti > advanced W Et HUBBARD 11 West Second South Ortkluy linh 11 new park Visitors to time oily while vieninis tbe various point lot hurrest mid pleasure sro extended a oordlal Uvltutlou to Insect the collection ol oil palutliiKi the Oxford The eihlhlt Includes In-cludes such famous masterpieces tin Ibo Jury of tbelllIlu Alorulul and Cvenlng and that Justly celebrated historical legend Meet Ingot Anthony and Cleopatra I > NGtltrl HO 1m alms 3aVBe uudbouth A now loader has arisen In the Soudan Ills name la Itabuh He was originally a slave and then bvcnine lieutenant of Ze behr Pasha a former Egyptian Uovernor of Uarfur Ho has gathered a horde of followers and Is ravaging tho country < L The Eagle Tobacco Cure Is a Wonderful Thing I T HAS NO RIVAL in its successful Work Read the TESTIMONIALS of wel known men Works no INJURIES J IN-JURIES on the system but improves I your HEALTH TAKE IT and in 0 DAYS you will bo CURED of tho TOBACCO and CIGARETTE HABIT and your days yon y-on earth will be lengthened Bond 5 for ono bottle to L Eagle Pharmacy S K Cor S con < l South add West Temple Streets Suit Luke City Agents Wanted Everywhere lloforo buying poe that tho bottles aro sealed with tho signature DKAN LICK DAIS None genuine without this seal or when l seal is broken I E Na JENKINS Mt Temple of Music 0 Utah Agonts for the beat Pianos and Organs In the market 208 SoutH West Temple POST OKKICEIBLOCK DONT LIMP n E made to y wlllk straight We take plaster plas-ter or parts cast of feet to insure In-sure comfort Specialists In crippled and deformed shoes ° Sled braces Iud artificial 1y limbs of every description < < Hilgert Deformity Shoe CoCO g s Co-CO E Third South St t SALT LAKE CITY UTAH TDY f fit rHL E HOUSE SaltLake one trip OKO K JOHNSON Proprietor UICYCLI lItoycle IF YOU WANT sUllllrle base ball > tuwD ii iuu iimn jr cricket tUuls or supplies sup-plies puns nmmunltlou etc send for our illustrated illus-trated catalogue free to all UUOWNlNO HHOS 165 Main St Salt Lake A PLAIN SPOKEN CANDIDATE Neither a Goldbug Nor a Straddlebug Refreshing Expression of Views from a Presidential PossibilityIf the United States Cannot Manage ito Own financial Affairs it Should be Annexed to Canada Por Free Coinage Without Reserve Topeltn Kan Aug 20 Judge Henry Caldwell of the United States Circuit court Is hero today to enter a decree tomorrow to-morrow for the sale of the Santa Fe railroad He was loath to talk of anything any-thing which concerns him personally I suppose you know that you have been mentioned In connection with the Presidential nomination asked the reporter re-porter Yes he answered with some show of dlllldence I have heard some talk of It It Is a question of individual preference with the millions of voters So far as I am concerned the mention of my name in that connection is out I of the question I do not regard it all Ii i I i s 1 a 1 1 I t Judge Henry C Caldwell seriously and I think that no one else doesWould Would you accept It If you were nominated I would prefer not to talk about the matter and 1 have had nothing to do with whatever talk has been going tho rounds replied Judge Caldwell but In a manner which indicated that he would not be averse to becoming a candidate can-didate for his party The people In the West understand that you are for free silver That Is where you stand is It not questioned tho reporter The face of the Judge lightened up with enthusiasm as he answered Yes sir that is correct I am for free sliver sli-ver without reserve or any reference to an International agreement It is plain to me that there can be no International In-ternational agreement favorable to silver sil-ver because England will not agree to accept free sliver What is the use of paying any attention to the foreign countries anyway Are we not capable capa-ble of managing our own affairs I thlnlt we are and It not 1 am In favor of annexing the United States to Canada Cana-da or some other convenient country Governor Morton Indulges In only two or tliroo clears a day and these very mild one He Is abstemious in the use of wine and not a very early eater I Er DUMB Mt Ds University of Now York 1863 SPECIALIST OLKNWOOD SrillNUB COJOHAUO Practice llmltcn to CANCERS TUMORS ana G01TUU RADICAL CU11E TREATMENT WITHOUT Nnl 01 CAUSTIC Young Bros Co j SALr LAKE CITY UTAH t Dealers In linniUP CTIf SEWING MACHINES UUIlLolIL and Saving t Sav-ing Macblue supplies moos ur uus all klidi Sluslcal Instruments bhcet Muslo und Muilo Hooks Instruments and Machines sold on easy puymouls Send for our too list of sheet tuato oples We Uuy and Sell Seeds Grain Hay Flour AND GlINKRAL IUOUUOE lleodquartera for Poultry supplies Write us PEOPLES FORWARDING CO 31 to 37 Mam St adjoining Y C M I SALT LAM CITY UTAH BROWNING BEOS 2161 Washington Ave IDS Main Street Out l1N UTAIL SALT LAKE CITY i Rambler Remington Warwick ninvOI CC Tribune and Keathcrstone BICYClES l ana cycle sundries Duns Ammunition Fish log Tackle Tents Playing Cards Eta Illui trated catalogue tree M R EVANS CONTINENTAL BICYCLE SALEROOM Hiding school and bicycle livery lllaycles bicycle bi-cycle sundries suits sweaters sporting goods at 2 and 24 W Second South MONAKU1I SYRACUSE ARIEL FALCON llloyolesABents for MONVKC11 I1IOVCLKS wanted < Salt lake City Utah J nOOU SIT 11ETH 5 NO nrlTJn AI llR 8 Dr J B i < eysor DENTAL PARLORS Loll I ii lllock 210 Mule Sl first door north of the Walker House SALT LAKE Come lu the moruln uud < wear your new teeth home at night Reliable PEDIGREED FRUIT TREES PIONEER NURSERIES CO SALT LAKE CITY UTAH u Grow only Firstclass and High Grade Stock THE PARISHOME LAUNDRY j WANTS AGENTS n every town In Utah to establish branch an ouch orders Addruas once ParlsHotT1 Lau lry 345 West Temple street Salt Lake Utah anywhere In Utah Mills Farm Loans Hawley Mtg CoM Co-M lllock bait Lake Reed Hotel ° CUTAH 131 Rooms U elevators olralrlo lights Strictly Strict-ly Hr < t class ID all its appointments Makes a tI rate to Inter mountain trade Watchmaker Jeweler 6 Optician ALEX L WYATT AK Main Street I MN XJ331806 Bait Lake |