Show PACifiC EXPRESS ROBBERY Agent at Wallace Held Up by Two I Masked Mens J I DOlre I Ida Aug 7A Statesman lafit1fd ftoih Wallace say About 10 I 0clook alit evening while the Pacific I XIH lJfI agent iii the O It N depot I vaS 6 making up remittances two I I iriuuKBU men untuicd the piticu and with I urawn igvolveis procefrilud to emptw the lunsh drawer of between WjiUitj I tloO iilie robbers were lit a fjj > JUI i I ry at the safe > vl > ch nti > r p flCofl I laming seveia < uJiDatkages was I not irtolested ISo I-So IaL parties saw two men leave I Thhot in a hurried manner but In tho t1a2JiPX were not iec6gnlzed t < I |