Show ENGLISH MONEY aND STOCKS Money Rates Slackened Mid GUt Edged Stocks Advanced on don Aug 25Wlth the continued liiiu ut KOIU Hie rates for money liau usuln blaukuiied and fiom the same cause giltedge stocks have advanced ad-vanced but the exception was the mining mi-ning market In which business was exceedingly ex-ceedingly quiet although prices were firm Home railroads were strong and foreign railroads were quiet Theme was a good demand for Turks but Spaniards were weak Paiaguay securities se-curities advanced American securities securi-ties were better especially the bond Issues which were In good demand at advanced prices Shares were neglected neg-lected but the anticipated Erie and Heading reorganization schemes when Issued will Improve matters Eries have been sold on a basis of 12 assessment as-sessment Grand Trunks have been better on better traffic prospects Advances Ad-vances have been as follows Illinois Central 2 Chicago Milwaukee St Paul and Lake Shore 1V Other movements move-ments were fractional |