Show BULLFIGH r ARRESTED Today Action 1aken by the Colorado Authorities Denver Aug 21J H Wolfe of Cripple Creek the prompter of the Gillette bulllight was arrested today and taken to Colorado Springs Hu was unable to furnish bonds and Is now In the El Paso county Jail at the springs Officers have been sent to Gillette to arrest the Mexican bullfighters together to-gether with the Meadows boys Arizona Charlie and the Kid AdjtGen Moses and his assistant Gen Klee swore out the warrants which charge conspiracy and will conduct con-duct the prosecution Denver Aug 27 Governor McIntyre has written to the otticers of the National Na-tional Humane society advising the removal re-moval of local agent G H Thomson secretary of the Colorado Humane society so-ciety on the ground of Incompetency The Governor said Thomson could have prevented the bull lighting at Gillette If he had done his duty |