Show S S A i 5 c p P i NO PROTECTION FOR GAME S 4 THE S INDIANS MAY SLAUGHTER < Ti DEER AND ELK J p I Wyoming Laws Nullified by tho l Treaties with the Bannocks iu d Shoshones Will be Protected4 S v T S q Washington Aug 2GIt has been definitelydecided by the Indian bureau1 by Jurcllu Ihat no attention will ba paid to tlftx game1 laws of Wyoming where they come in conflict Wyoming of thrf United Stated with the Bannock and Shdshana Indians rime uttorneygtm uitll Utter considering the matter has IhfdimcU the secretary of the interior S and tho commissioner of Indian affair1 that the right of Indians to hunt on unoccupied lands in his oplhlon la un tiuustlonable and the State of Wyoming Wyo-ming has no power to limit or abrldah tlll right No definite ntepa to enforce thta determination have been decided upon further than that Instructions to United States district attorneys to secure a se-cure the releaso ot the Indians now In custody on writs Of habens corpus probably pro-bably will be supplemented by an c to do the sumo thing In case any j e I V IS made in the future Thm bureau will ntg wi t1 le And at MrLii5r fqmfl seUed nlr lsued permit least no iwujttrta jeHVe the reservation JlasltCene ting nePcIe small numbers of soldiers It 1spfl I > lapi in the Jacksons Hole loltl KUntryrdtlrlng the remainder of the iiflng season anti If i be deemed ndf able any time ta permit Indiana to he I Ts the reservatfon to hunt the whites possibly will not be permitted to molest them I is hoped however the work on the Irrigation ditch soon to be contracted for will furnish occupation t occu-pation Jnd money for the Indians ton hunt IUn cessary for mln penance during the tef No immediate trouble n lclpatec as the lfmedlnte are now on thJT resur i thl vat ns and likely to remain fore |