Show SERIOUS FIRE AT CEDAR BARNS GRAIN MACHINERY AND STOCK BURN Some Lost tho Whole Summers Labor La-bor and had No Insurance List of the Sufferers Cedar City Utah Aug 27 Cedar suf tircd a dlsuBtious lire this afternoon the most serious ever experienced hereAbout here-About 3 oclock flumes were dlbcovered III a barn owned by Kianols Webster A fierce wind WILl blowing fiom the south and although heiolc efforts were made to utay the conflagration the lire spread thiough the center of the block destroying barns filled with hay and grain hay stacks stacks of grain inning machinery and some live stock The heat was terrific With no waterworks wa-terworks or lire department the people were almost helpless and It was almost a miracle that any of the dwellings along the line of the fire were saved several of them being on fire all at a time and In such close ptoximlty to the stacks of UuinlnK hay and grain I I It Is Impossible nt this wilting to ascertain as-certaIn the amount of loss A partial summary shows losses as follows Will Middleton large barn three tons of hay nnd several head of hogs Insured for 500 with Home Fire of Utah William Tucker barn thirty tons ot buy and 200 bushels of grain no Insu in nee Francis Webster barn fifty tons ot hay sovuial stacks of grain premises Irniied for 1000 John Ford shed corral and haystack Henry Lunt bum and thirtyfive tons of hay and 350 bushels of grain representing repre-senting his summers work amid no Insurance In-surance A L Palm barn corral and five tons of hay Insured for 100 Caleb Halght corral and sheds no Insurance The otigln of the fire Is supposed to be a small boy playing with matches |