Show I ALASKA BOUNDARY DISPUTE I Surveys Now Being Made do Not Settle I Set-tle the Question I Washington Aug 27An attempt af been made In some quarters to jrk up I diplomatic controversy over the Alaska boundary survey between the United States and Great Britain The status of the case Is now that the boundary is to be settled by an agreement agree-ment between the two countries after a survey has been made Both countries coun-tries make an Independent survey but these surveys do not settle the boundary boun-dary which will have to be agreed upon up-on by both countries at some time in the future Because Mm Rllrvov which Is now being made by Great Britain Includes In-cludes territory that certain people In Washington and Alaska believe rightfully right-fully belongs to the United States an Impression has been created that tho survey settles the boundary and that the United States should protest against It The survey by the United States may be unsatisfactory to Great Btltaln As both surveys are made Independently In-dependently they are prellmlnaiy to an International agreement Until the surveys done sur-veys are completed nothing else will be |