Show READ FME NEWSPAPERS f How Matthew McGinuls Discovered IIe Was Heir to S750000 Indianapolis Aug 25 Matthew Mc Glnnlu a laborer living at 249 West S Maryland street has just discovered that he Is the heir of his brother Daniel Dan-iel McGInnls who died In Toledo a bachelor In ISJD leaving an estate valued val-ued at J750000 The two brothers separated sepa-rated In Ireland when boys und Daniel spent ycais In trying to find his lost brother who emigrated to the tar West and camo here seven years ago Ho S loft an estate In trust for five years In the hope that Matthew might be I found Time discovery was made through a chance reading of an old t copy of a Toledo paper In which the trustees wore advertising for the heir to the property I Is in business t blocks stocks and bonds Had Matthew Mat-thew not been found the estate would ri have gone to the Roman Cathollo church under the will |