Show LETS HAVE A CHANGE We hope our dcmonitic fronds in particular will study tlincliroiiolKlial rtfoid of thn Richards family In politics poli-tics us we give It l below Wo hope thry WIll remember that Uluh In now une of the United States of America and not a foreign dukedom owned nnd tiilrdty thcso political monopolists whoso only claim to public recognition IB tine fact that mine of thfiii bold a life lci Be on CiTtain ofllces in the Mormon churah We hope they will rcmnmbrrthit as rotntion In cropi is Rood for the follBo rota Ian In ollico is food for the people and that they will mayo the inoriil courage and Indr peni nce to ehako oft t these chrunlr blood suckera at lat BO that nmiet intelllRont and deserrln r men nny haven chance In 1809 FD Rlchnrds was probate judge and F 8 Richards was proba clerk county clerk nnd county reeard er of Weber county and they contin urd to hold tbene offices betwpen them crntlnuoDFly uutll 1873 when FB Rloliardi was chen the offices of cnun ty attorney and city dttornfiyas well t11 tIne o her tbrnr ofllces until 1880 with tho addition of imotherEfrharas i Charles 0 wbo wg made deputy clerk In 1880 F D Richards wa still probate judge L M lllchurdb took F1 Rlehiirds ofllca as probate Judge and county clerk F S Rlchaids wa county rtttornoy and city attorney while Cliarlei C Richards was made deputy clerk and county recorder This happy condition continued until un-til 1884 when F S Richards resigned to accept a moro lucrative onlce in Salt Lake city and L M Richard died In cfllco Tlitsre being now less Rfchaids and the slime number of offices the remaining members of thin family with a magnanimity truly lierolu de teruilned to at least lOVer everytnlnc In sight and from 1834 to 1R80 Charles Richards was county clerk probate clerk and county attorney while F8 Richards was city attorney etc ad libitum in Salt Lake Since 1BOO the record is something llko thii Charles C Richards for secretary of tao Territory S t Secretary Charles 0 Richards flm Ol1rud aot Vas to appoint a Rlcuarde t hla deputy Dewoy JUchardf Then the flisft act of United States t Attorney Judd was to appoint a Richards Rich-ards is L1tJ aaslntant namely Joseph Rlchardo Kentucky Smltna first official act ns Jude1 there being no other Richard QprOTldec1 lor Vii to appoint p p I Perry Jr a m brother > luluvr of the noble duke of Ogden In bu clerk of his court well comprehending that hi must placate the Richards family Besides this 0 C Rlcunrds has been Irlll11 lime to time a nictubn of tin Legislature of vat Icius hoards and eommlsluns ho In I now In ofller a oru tiry of the Territory nod FiaukllnS Richards Is Just through cRiahIshltu his mediocrity as u memborof the coin sUtutlonal conventon To sum u il up there have been from three to ten membcs of the UlohnrM family in ofllce continuous from 1809 to1895 a period of 20 yearn Lets havoacunntfe |