Show DISTRICT COURT AFFAIRS Judge King opened court Monday and sal the following cases for thudipteinbei term of the First District oourt Sept 9Allis Burr vs John Pope Sept IIWalter Burlew 7s E 0 Bur tun Joseph Perjirossl re Cline 0 Creer Abner KoKurd ot al vs Lawrence Law-rence Luud et tU Getrgo C Wliltmore VJ William Leonard et al C G Woriz va Tliouirta Beealeyt Sept 12s NL Bunnoll VP KQ W Rui I way company Eureka city vs G J Vtilsdu It II Tnuuiisun vs U G 1 V Railway company Sept Crluorniu Wino Co vs L C DiiKKins James II Mywliifl ve H G f > V Hy Cu Provo city TH Joseph Kill vnoJ Annie MariH vs Bullion Heck mil < lmmi > inii Mining Co Sept UOliver A blade l vs Heur Ilikyus Muriha M Piuten vw llenrj Uowdie Klizabota E Burry vs R G W U > Co Sipt IGN L J3wcod va Edward Mwliuqiiibt ot nl too cases Puitlip dM cka i Va1 MuPtieitoii Sept 17Puter Grceuhalgh va Meadow I Irilirtitloil company Ibiua cases Ilntjir Mulrelll va Parloj Ranson Supt 18J C ShlllUl et alvp K G W Ity Co 11 Vincent vs 1L W Ily Co Joseph A Smith vv R G W Ity Cu Aiuntuiua Nelson va f C 11 Blom nterberg Sepj 19 Alex JeumngR Kuqulror Co S M DuggiuH va Joa Hay lull L llulbruok A A Noon vs Pruvo City Railroad Ci wes dismiebed Tiie boudd in the case of the Pi > cpn VB Phil Foot wero ordered to btJ Hued upon Thu case of the Peoplo vs Smnuel Yoiiiig assault to cu bodily hniiu was utauifsicd |