Show A Dni2gi5 Hash ActOn Act-On last Monday aftorm n the reading public In this city was deeply ruined to I learn that Mr K B Sorlr thc genial and urbane proprietor of the dispensary just beyond the postofflc0 had discontinued discon-tinued hb ubscrlption to this THE UEHALD As the dreadful now sproai ibrond + a feeling of sadness and dlsma Bailed over time community like a blankotyblank fog on the lovely bosom if Utah Luke or hike coating of adobe on the Mtu of tho canyon In u froahet In Ill inttivlow with the HLIULD mail r Saucy gavn no rcamu fur his rush ct Hiteemed at tho moment tube Itbuihij taiiler an exccsi of terror Our representative not hnvlniJ tho de slid to eoiunel the rienat Ironist to t ke what he EO obviously didnt want acquiesced cheerfully as ho does to others of Fates stern decrees When the slcktulng intelligence of Mr Sorloyo loft rtlon began to spread inroad our citizens gathered In forlorn lonps about tho ftreet corners and dla cussed the terrible consequences which It scorned mnjt cnFuo Our reporter alone was hopeful au Iroclad conscience con-science end n firm belief lu the justlco of lilt god suetnincd him ia Irs hour uf trial A gloomy citizen sugpcsttU that when the sun sank from bight lulo the western horizon ppihnps It f Would return no mori I OhI tunlble posslbllitj I A panic elzid the crowd tad tunny wore for placating Mr Sorley at any cost Others stood upecchlo s wish dismay At this juiciuto an iudnidnal with the air of an Iconoclast auil the gall of a book ppddler suggested that pilwpH Mr Sorlpy didnt run thin uulvprce and that the anti might bo conducting its own business Auaiuhical as this lute wn4 It was eolzed by his di < paliiiig populaco eagMly aa n drowning mat Ditches a straw und a glJim of the 11lit rf hojie ItsSicd athwart the dry of their despair Oil tint it might be I true trueTho Tho iow Iwppfnl citizens wended homeward and anxiously awaited tIll dawn of another day The sun arose at the usual time and place on Tuesday morning and appeared appear-ed in no wise affected by MrSorleyri 111 iulvlaml procedure All day long it did biiHincdiit the old stand nml It was nident that the unlveisa was still Intact The IlKHALi man feels that a 1 tnrrlble l chasm yawns between Mr Surley nnd himself and tears that its nbyeeuinl depths may never be bridged It might have been different hud we iippointed ho genial pillvendor our guardian when we first came to town |