Show PURELY PERSONAL Mrs flea IT Jex has recovered from her lULl illness MIls Alice Mellor Is visiting Sail Lake this week J J Holt was here this week on a visit to his parents City EcPurder Hughes was a Salt Like vltltoroi Wfdnp day Postoillce Inspector Nlchulls was in town on tUalnes Tuesday A O Smoot and son of Provo were in town Saturday on business Mrs Gardlna Tomstoff and son of ialt Lakn who had been visit ng In tills city for several days returned home Tuesday Frank Woodward David Robertson and George Thompson started yesLer day for Uo lleo where they have canal contract Messrs A J Evans of Lpln and O t Smoot of Provo were here Monday evening and spoke nods ol cunlor aid tidvlce to the union I fled in this > precinct Piihsenger Agent Tnggott of the Tnlon Pacific and Ben Uacninau ot Prove secretary of the Republican County Central committee paid this city a brief visit lllf day |