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Show RECOVERING A BING. Carruthers waiting for you." Horrid, did you say; Ylrgie?" , Oh, I George, dear, but Mrs is there at any rate. What Carruthers Virginia asked me to take her out for will she think f What shall 1 tell her?" a row. Bo 1 of course tucked a big red a crab and overWe'll say I cushion under each arm und straight- balanced myselfcaught Into the water. for to down went the boathouse, way Hut, do 1 look as if I had been cryVirginia had premised herself to me In ing?" her murrluge, and I perforce obeyed cusShe did unmistakably, but before I always and implicitly, as is the had time to answer her we arrived at tom in such cases the landing stage. Mrs. Carruthers some weeks i had been staying for greeted me with: with her people, who hud a country Why, what on earth have you been house on tlie western shore of lake doing?" well, the name doesn't matter. We had "ioor George fell Into the water, been together a great deal, and 1 had replied Virginia, with a winning smile, learned to read Virginia's moods from "and I saved his life with an oar. the expression of her adorable little Hid n't I. George?" mouth. On this particular occasion her All through dinner that evening Mrs. lips were pressed tightly tugelher, Carruthers chaffed me unmercifully. 1 which symptom meant In iny code that bore her raillery with great fortitude, a storm was brewing, and so, after and afterward, when Virginia and 1 her ladyship hod settled herself com- were sitting on the piazza In front of fortably among the cushions, I, saying the house, we made a solemn resolution nothing, sculled steadily away from the that we wouldn't break our engageshore for some minutes. Ami besides, ment again for a whole calendar month it was one of those gorgeous autumn at tlie very most. Gilbert Burgess In afternoons that make one silent. Little Sketch. of sunlight were danA PRETTY GIRL cing with the ripplifB on the surface of the lake. The trees on shore, like cowho conscious are of quettes having Once Sat With Californias Sulost the full bloom of their beauty, had Who preme Court. dressed themselves In gaudy suits of Few people are aware that a woman scarlet and orange, as If hoping by Calibrilliancy of color to hide the tragedy once sat on the Supreme benchofIn State of decay that makes autumn so infi- fornia," said Palace Hotel last nitely pathetic. Ever and anon an ad- Thomas Beck at theFrancisco Call. A venturous trout would spring out of night, to the San the water to look at the deep blue of look of Incredulity overspread the feathe sky, and great golden bumblebees tures of his listeners. It is a fact, nevertheless, continwent bussing over our heads In their It was In ; well, transit across the lake In search of ued Mr. Beck. never mind the year, but I was then fresh plunder. Watching these things, I was almost secretary of state, and court was beunmindful of Virginia's presence, end ing held In Sacramento. Judge Wallace I started when she said, sharply, was on the bench, and ainuug those In You're not very amusing this afterthe capital city during the session was Col, Shufter and a number of his ofnoon." I smiled an answer, whereupon she ficers. The colonel was accompanied Immediately cleared decks for action, by his daughter, a very young, bright and said, with a fine air of Irony: If and handsome miss. One morning at the breakfast table only jrour dear lira. Carruthers were would soon And plenty to In the Golden Eagle Hotel Justice Walhere, Y- I'm Sure the way you went on lace said: Mias Shatter, I feel quite with her at lunch was simply disgracelighted. Since you have been In Sacful. Mot that I am Jealous of her. ramento you have not deigned to visit You needn't think that!" me. Won't you come up in the mornlira. Carruthers was a fellow guest ing and sit with us in bank? My colof mine who possessed a grerTSnenu of league, Judge Croker, is absent, and the alluring qualities of you might as well occupy his seat.' . widow. Oh, yes, I'll come, returned Miss Shes a horrid flirt!" v Shatter, and the subject was dropped, am sure Judge Wallace never and Vlrgler "She la, and you know It You can't dreamed that the Invitation would be call her pretty!" accepted. "About an hour afterward Miss Shat"Well, dear, I suppose I maynt, but ter, accompanied by one of the officers I have heard lota of fellows say they on her father's staff, came into my ofthought she was a brick. llrlck or no brick, shes 40 If site's fice and said that she wanted to go to the Supreme court. Would I take her? a day. With pleasure. And away we went. A Probably Is a day, but 40-- no. 8hall we say SOT young attorney was arguing a case This was Ingenious on my part, see- when we entered the court, lie did quietly seated ouring that Virginia and I both knew that not notice us as we Mro. Carruthers was nut yet 28. selves, and went on with most brilliant Virginia flushed, and looked at me eloquence. Judge Wallace laid his hand on the arm of an empty chair and with her lower lip Quivering. nodded to my companion to take It. George, when you are sarcastic I al' 'Shall I go up? she asked of me. most hats you. Why, certainly, I responded,Pt,r roproachfully, accen-fJi- f. would be discourteous t&Jft L f the vwel sound, to make the ue bench not to do so. little word eeem more caressing. She hesjt I wish I had never met you. I hate & pule, but as Judge 1 her with a smiling invitation and patted the chair iTtakelVwno mLkea she arose and firmly, and with gle and Im sure J' vir- V, the grace of a queen, walked up the m the 'best of aisle tempers." to the platform. The Judges arose That'-j- ? VMiir4,y me aggravating part of It. and gravely bowed. Wallace stepped forward, and, extending his hand, escreiit I'ou alt there smiling and I cant make corted her to the vacant seat, and each you angry. To my shame be It said, I burst out Justice was presented In turn and shook hand of their dainty associlaughing. Tlie moment after I was the tiny equal to sorry, for the tears began to gather In ate. Allis Shatter was quite her eyes, and 1 can't bear that, and the occasion, and, bowing to the standmore ominous still, she was fidgeting ing audience, took her seat and let the That young attorney, proceed. with her engagement ring. Now this case though, lost his head, and afterward really alarmed me. As a rule, our encase. he wished to Whether lost the gagement was broken and recemented make an Impression on the new assoonce a week. Only the afternoon before we had gone through the cere- ciate, or whether the strangeness of the rattled him, I never mony. If it were going to happen once proceedings learned, but he got badly tied up In his every day there were elements of danger In the custom which It was desira- peroration. did What ble to avoid. Judge Wallace do? Why, at dinner that evening, he conferred But before I had time to sue for the new Judge, and Insisted upon Virginia took off the little with her occupying a seat on the bench next gold band, and after a moment's hesitation. flung it in to the lake. And then day. After dinner he asked me to take she looked straight at me, with a brave a walk with him. 'Beck,' said he, if show of defiance, girl into court In the the telltale you bringI'llthat have proceedings Institumorning mouth let me knowalthough that she was frightened at what she had dune. 1 was ted to declare your position vacant. more hurt than worda can say, und Oatmeal and Oranges. with a few swift strokes, turned the boat a head homeward. But I couldn't No sort of food Is better for the combear to leave the ling behind, and I de- plexion than oatmeal and oranges. The termined to dive for complexions In the world are I my finest oars and took off myIt coat.shlpiied those of the Italian and Spanish ladles Virginia food and pretended to take no notice. Then, who live on coarse-graine- d watching her closely, I began to untie fruit, like the orange and banana. It my shoe laces. Still she pretended not is said that the fact Is becoming apto see. Then I took off my belt and preciated, and that some ladles, to acshoes, and placed the contents of my quire and preserve a good complexion, trousers pockets in a neat little heap are living almost entirely on oranges. In the bottom of the boat. Half a dozen for breakfast with a cup Virginia's eyes met mine, and she of coffee; a dozen for lunch, with a aid tremulously: What are you go- glass of milk and a saucer of oatmeal; and a dozen more for supper and a sip ing to do, George?" Dive for the ring, Virginia." of tea, may not be too high living In Can you swim?" the proper sense of the word, but such No." a courn of diet will bring a complexion of PvH nl Ivory which will drive I couldnt resist this fib. have spoiled It all If I had told .. almost any belle out of her head with L at Eton, had held the school envy. The Town and Country Journal, pionship for three years In.suocesaligi. Sydney, N. B. W. George, dear, cant we let the men dredge for It?" Those Awful Telegrams. How should we ever remember the What Is It, Mamie?" exact spot where It went down? No," It's a boy, mum, with a telegraft. this with a slight touch of melodraA telegram? Oh, ask him if James ma "I must take the risk. And, Vir-dl- e, Is killed?" If I should not not come up, don't He says he doesn't know, mum." youknow tell them that I fell over- Ask him what he docs know about fui-gut- a, i quart pro-vokln- ss, Vlrglnla gave vent to a scream. Not one of those staccato notes that the mention of a mouse will generally bring from women, but a genuine scream of fear. George, please please dont I I am so sorry I was Jeulous and cross and wicked." And the tears began to show themselves again, so, without more ado, I went to the bow and took a header. 1 found that the water was only about ten feet deep, but the ring was not to be seen. On coming up for breath, I found poor Virginia brandishing an oar over the side of the boat, with a view to saving my life, if possible. I seized it with much show of distress, and waited until I got my breath. Virginia Implored me to come back Into the boat, but I was obdurate. After the third dive I returned to the surface, triumphantly holding out the object of my search. I swam to the side of the boat, and, hold of Virginias left hand, I taking placed the ring on her Anger. We made many vows and promises, and it was not before some minutes had expired that I began to realise that I was getting awfully cold. Clambering back Into the boat with some difficulty, I pulled to the house as quickly as I could. As we came In sight of the lawn Virginia exclaimed: Of course, there's that horrid Mrs. It. He says All he knows about it Is that its marked 'collect,' and he wants his money." "Oh, dear! Oh, dear! What shall I do? Here, Mamie, here's the purse. Pay him. Fay him whatever he asks. Oh. my poor James! I Just knew something would happen to him before he went away this morning! Will they bring him home In an ambulance, Mamie?" "I s'pose so, mum. Maybe youd better read the telegraft." I can't! I can't! Oh, It serves me right for not kissing him three tlmea when he left And weve been married such a short time, too!" Why don't you open the telegraft, mum? Well. I suppose I must; but, oh, I can't tell you how I dread It!" Heads telegram: Will bring friend home to dinner. JAMES. New York The heartless beast! Journal The New Woman; Is She Newf Taking off certain ornamental features from the new woman" of discussions, I make out that this delightful creature Is essentially a woman who Is the equal of a man. Her -SP- ECIAL!- ... e.ur-re- nt AFTER A CAREFUL TEST WE FIND THAT THE GRADE OF THREE CROWN BAKINO POWDER WE HAVE BEEN MAKING IS THE BEST THAT CAN BE MADE FOR THE PRICE CHARGED. WE HAVE DETERMINED TO MANUFACTURE THE PUREST AND BEST CREAM TARTAR BAKINO POWDER THAT CAN BE MADE, AND THOUGH THE PRICE WILL BE SLIGHTLY ADVANCED, IT WILL HAVE MORE LEAVENING STRENGTH AND WILL BE CHEAPER IN THE END. AFTER AUGUST 19, 1895, THERE WILL BE A BLUE LABEL ON THE COVER WORDED: HEWLETT BROS. IMPROVED E THREE CROWN BAKING POWDER. EVERY CAN GUARANTEED TO BE EQUAL TO THE BEST IN THE MARKET OR MONEY REFUNDED, AND WE ASK YOU TO KINDLY GIVE XT A . HEWLETT BEOS., Xfrt, Salt Lake Olty, Utah. HIGH-GRAD- negative asoect is that she Is not a no clinging vine, but another sturdy oak. I like this woman, not because she Is called a new woman, but for the better reason that she seems to be essentially an woman In all that Is attractive about her character and doings. The advent of a fashion requiring a woman to lie able to do something more than cling and consume must tend to good If It dots nothing more than reduce the number of the helpless creatures. She la not new In the world; not new anywhere In the world. For, the woman of all countries and times, the woman who has breathed her soul Into all human progress, the moat numerous woman of civilized lands, and especially of the United States, has been and Is a woman strong, capable, economically a producer of wealth, and sociully equal to her man" or any other man of her environment. I cannot think of a more appropriate way of bringing forward this builder of civilizations than to recall here the Introduction to an old man's will which fell under my eyes a few years ago. It filled my eyes with happy tears then, and the dear tears come back whenever I remember It. After the formal introduction, the old man went on to say that his wife hod worked with him for more than half a century, that their fortune was as much the creation of her hands as of Ills; and that therefore he set aside one-ha- lf of the estate as rightfully tiers to dispose of as might seem right to words were plain and sober The her. homespun from the speech of dally life. There was no sign in them of a feeling simthat he was doing anything but a busiply just act toward a partner in was there ness. But what a recognition of the dignity and rights of that partner! lie did not leave her half of his, but all of her own; he did not give because she had nursed him In sickness and stroked his hair the right way when he was excited or angry. He might have ascribed this action to her devoted tenderness and faithfulness to her wifely dutifulness and In so doing have humiliated her. How much better man than that did this plain American do by saying that the half was her to do what of creation, own, by right he like with. The new woman of the clubs will have to work hard to get up abreast of farmer's wife. This this plain, vigorous, wholesome woman has mothered and trained our presidents our statesmen, our manufacture preachers, and our poets But she has also done her full share In all the other work of creating a nation, Including all that lies on the long line beginning with the accumulation of property and ending with the endowment of charily, art, and learning. And she has been to the full an Independent person. Her husband never dreamed of "bossing this equal partner In the firm. Their Investments and undertakings have been entered upon after free djzcusslun OAKLEY ! Eagle Tobacco Cure The choicest residence subdivision In Kail Lake City. 353 luis sold since April 17th, l5. close-i- n Is a Wonderful Thing, WHY? I It is right In tbs city, only 13 minutes drive from business center.iilKh ground, splendid view, surrounded by nice houses, wide streets, Lou 150 feel deep to alley, 16J feet wide. Now men. Works no INof JURIES on the system, but improves your HEALTH. TAKE IT and in 6 DAYS you will be CUBED of the TOBACCO and CIGARETTE HABIT and your days on earth will he lengthened. wel-kno- S90 to S175 per Lot. Only half their present value, (10 cash, No interest, iio lazes August 1st prices will $10 per mouth. until paid for. bo advanced. ed T HAS NO RIVAL in its successful " Work. Rend the TESTIMONIALS W. E. HUBBARD, 43 West Second Boutb. Oakley La a us pi.rk. wn , Send $5 for one bottle to somatic school. I had a strong desire to study the morally Insane, who have aince been shown to be the born criminals. It was a principle of mine to 8. K Oor. Second South nnd Went Tempi Street, Salt Laic City. deny everything which I did not see, and as there were none of those In our Agents Wanted Everywhere. exclinic I was inclined to deny their istence. Nevertheless, to make sure' of Before buying see that the bottles are sealed with the signature, Dkav Lick Lam the facts, I commenced to occupy myNone genuine without this sen! or when seal is broken. self with criminals, to frequent prisons, and carefully to gather skulls and brains of prisoners. One evening there died in one of the prisons of the city a celebrated brigand, rubber and eswho had often incendiary of his great caped by means agility. Upon the death of this man, wlio was tlie li ue type of the born criminal and morally insane, I examined hla skull. It presented an enormous median occipital fossa In place of the occipital median spine which occurs In the Interior of the skull. This E. N, JENKINS Temple of Music. Is a characteristic wanting In the su- perior apes and existing in all other vertebrates. I made the autopsy In the yard of the prison In the early hours of the morning. The day was very foggy, In the winter of 1864. The weather and the place did not permit me to make a thorough autopsy, hut I recollect how, at that" moment the whole Idea of my future work rose before me like a picture. I instantly perceived that the criminal must be a survival of the primitive than and the carnivorous animals. The Idea, though yet embryonic, waa perfected a few days later, when I was called as an expert by the tribunal of Bergamo In the case of a sort of Jack the Kipper one Ver-zent- l. This young peasant, with cross eyes and enormous Jaws, was possessed with a desire, to disembowel, chew, a4jf"ameTs'(i.women' Tun nd h who happened to?rv ,hl" E3MK eJfycit&ice, to weigh as much afterwards confided to niiP as hla, and her vote to be as decisive as great erotic pleasure which he eJJJSFs. this. Professor Caesar Lom-bros- o, that of any man partner in a business enced In In the September Forum. There must be exceptions Innumerable to a rule covering so vast a tract of In some matrimonial partnership. Knights of the Silver Cross. cases the man lias been brutally coarse; Austin, Tex., Aug. 23. Today the butin others the woman has had the Knlghta bf the Silver Cross, claiming terfly Instincts and Incapacities Hut to be a benevolent order of Missouri, asked the the commissioner of insurance to If we divide American society into poor, the very rich, and the middle give them permission to do business in class, we shall find that In this lust the State. A peculiarity of the order and most numerous section, the suc- la that all members are required to cessful man has had as a rule a strong pledge themselves as fearless advocoinage woman partner. Alice llllton, in the cates of the free and unlimited the ratio of 16 to L indeChautauquan for August. Condensed of silver ofatthe or advice pendent opinion of the for .Public Opinion. rest of the world. Romantic History of a Dowager EmCambria, Aug. 36. The Burlington A Missouri railroad has increased its coal press. The Dowager Empress of China, orders with the Cambria coal company who waa a good deal to the front dur- 100 tons a day. Newcastle,. Aug. 26. An Italian ing the late troubles in the Middle named John Badye, charged with atKingdom, has had a very romantic hispoison a miner named Mitempting to was tory. She was the child of poor par- chael Dacy, captured at Beulah on ents In the suburbs of Canton, and re- Monday by Sheriff Owens and brought markable for her beauty. At a time to Newcastle. when her parents did not know whenqe Rock Springs, Aug. 36. A meeting of their dally bread was to come, she sug- Sweetwater county sheep growers was should sell as a her gested that they held here Monday and an association slave. This course was followed, and formed under the name of the Sweetshe became the property of a famous water Sheep Growers association. Ed general. He was so enchanted with her H. Wright waa elected president, David and T. E. Davis beauty that he adopted her. t i.eu me Dickie A resolution was adopted general next went to Pekin, lie offered secretary. his beautiful daughter to the Emperor, requesting Governor Richards to Issue and thereby won great favor. The a proclamation prohibiting the admin-sio- n of all foreign sheep Into this counyoung girl so charmed his Majesty owners have In their that he soon made her his wife. When ty, unless atheclean bill of health from the Emperor died, the former slave be- possession requires. came regent of the empire, and admin- the Inspector, as the26.lawGame Warden Saratoga, Aug. istered the national affairs better than Paulson has returned from an extended almost any of her predecessor She is Colorado-Wyomln- g line. the trip along Justly considered one of the great wo- He of game the that slaughter reports men of her time." The Westminster for hides and heads has not' been very Gazette. heavy this year In Wyoming, but In Colorado elk and deer are being killed In large numbers. Training for a Pirate. Evanston, Aug. 26. Word has been An item concerning Washington Irv- received from Henry's Fork that John we cannot which of for truth the ing, mall carrier between Green Rivvouch, although it contains a deal of Berry, er and Burnt Fork, was --drowned two good advice for certain youngsters of weeks ago while fording Green river on the present time, has lately come to ou horseback. The body has Just been notice. It Is to this Intent: recovered. Washington Irving, In his youth, had a longing to go to sea and be a pirate. The Xeeley Institute, He determined to make the attempt, but wisely decided to prepare himself a direct authorized branch of the parent for It by preliminary experience. He house at Dwight, III., has been opened began by eating salt pork. That made at 160 W. Second North, Salt Lake City him sick. He then slept for a night or on the line of the street railway running so on hard boards. That made him Springs. sore. It was enough. He had no more to Warm For tha treatment of the liquor and desire to go away. Other boys who want to capture or who opium habits, with Lesley E. Keeiey desire to go scouting and scalp Indians, Companys double chloride of gold rcra would do well to Imitate young Irv- edles. The Institute Is under the manageing's example. Harper's Round Table. ment of Dr. J. W. St. John, who has been at work with and in the employ of Anecdote of Lessing. the Lesley E Kocley Company for the frehas been The treatment and quently a characteristic of men of past four years. fame. It is to be supposed, no doubt, mcanageniont of patients will be idenll-all- y the same as at Dwight. that their minds have been so wholly absorbed by great matters that the smaller, more trivial things of life have A Bonanza For Pupils. been considered unworthy of their atTha Now State Commercial College tention. Among men of this stamp who have suffered In this way was J. Frink Ryan, principal, 61 to 651 East Lessing, a famous German writer of 3ud South SL, Salt Lake City, (opened plays and books of criticism. Lessing since January 1st,) Is in Insiltulton discovered at one period of his life that destined to surpass all others In the West. he was being robbed of his ready S3. 00 per month entitles a pupil tolbor-oughfirst-clamoney by some person In his home, Instruction in any or and, unable to determine who the cul- all of the following: Shorthand, (Graprit waa he put the servants of hla ham or Pitman systems,) Typewriting, household to a test by leaving a handPenmanship, Higher ful of gold upon hla breakfast table one Bookkeeping, StaMathematics, Academic Course. morning. (books etc.) required for Meeting a friend he told him what he tionery had done. Bookkeeping, Penmanship and ShortThat waa risky, said his friend. hand, furnished at a cost not to exceed "How much did you leave there? 50c to per month. Dear me! cried Lessing. I quite Latin, Greek, German, French, Spanforgot to count Harper's Round Ta- ish, Drawing and Architecture 68.00 per ble. month, books and materials not Included. Shorthand, Bookkeeping and PenmanAN EXPERT ON INSANITY. ship thoroughly taught by mall for 635, payable when course Is comploted. Correspondence solicited. I arrived In Paris In 1861, a boy, with comhead full of my philology and to the oity while viewing the venous parative physiology. I soon saw that Visiters t nnd pleasure ere extended n the most serious lack In this science oordinl point tof to Inspect the oolleuUon of levitstlun was that of anatomical and anthropooil pelntiugs nt the Oxford." The exhibit Inlogical knowledge. They were studying clude uch femoue u the "Jury insanity In general without studying of thcPlnlne. Morning" nnd Kvenlng," nan Individual lunatics. I insisted that we tfant lueliy historical legend, Meetshould study lunatics as we would a ings Anthony nnd Cleopatra." KNGEN8PKKGRR NIK IS. siieclal variety of the human race, noU W.be ondbontk. ting the skin, the form, the skull, and particularly the functions, sensibility, etc. My colleagues laughed at me and A new IcailiT has arisen In the Soudan. called me the doctor of the steelyard." His name is Itabuh. lie was originally a became lieutenant of Little by little the Idea prevailed, and alave, and then Pasha, a former Egyptian Governor now they seem almost to have forgothas lie Darfur, gatlisred a horde of ten who it was that Introduced the new of followers and Is ravaging tha country- - Utah Agents forth bast PUnon and Organs in ths market 208 South West Temple, POST OFFICE.BLOCK, ed DON'T LIMPW'H walk straight Ws take piss-ta- r of parts out of test to tenure comfort HpeclalUts In end deformed shoee. crippled Steel brews end artiSelal limbs of every deseridtlon, E. DUNSGOMB, Shoe Co. 66 E Third South 8L, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH- - Balt Lake, one trip. GKO. K JOHNSON, Proprietor. YOU ' coLoaeira, Practice llmlten to CANCERS, TUMORS, and GOITKJC. RADICAL C1IUX TREATMENT KNIFE OH CAUSTIG SALT LAKE CITY, UTAIL Dealer In BE WINS MACHINES nnd See lug Manilla supplies, riauue, urgaue, all kiuda Musical Instruments, Sheet Musio and Musis Hooka lestrnmanu nnd Machines sold on easy pnymenta Send fur our IDs list of about TSbAjft. fcWUeoplnn. . UUrlLSlIL We Bay nnd Bail Grain, 0 Into-res- meeu-rpiee- t, Ze-be- hr iuppli, Writ an CO. M. L PEOPLES FORWARDING 81 to 87 Mam A PLAIN SPOKEN CANDIDATE bk, adjoining Y. a Neither a Gold bug Nor a Straddlebug. BROWNING BROS MSI Washington let Main Street, BALT LAKE CITY Ava, OGDEN, UTAH. . Refreshing Expression of Views from a Presidential Possibility If tha United Statag Cannot Manage its Own Financial Affairs it Should be Annexed to Canada For Free , Coinage Without Reserve. and oyoia sundrisa Gnna Ammunition, Fish- Topeka, Kan., Aug. 26. Judge Henry ing Tackle, Tents, Playing Cards, Eta. Caldwell of the United States Circuit catalogue tree. court is here today to enter a decree tomorrow for the sale of the Santa Fe railroad. He was loath to talk of anything which concerns him personally. I suppose you know that you have OOXTiniXTAL SICYCLB iALIBOOM been mentioned In connection with tho Riding sobool nnd biayeie livery. Hloyelns, biPresidential nomination?" asked the re- cycle sundries, suits, sweaters, porting goods, nit nnd M W. Second bonth. MONARCH, porter. Yes. he answered, with some show SYRACUSE, ARIEL, FALCON BtoyolefcAgente ASCII BICYCLES wanted. Bolt Lake of diffidence, "I have heard some talk lor MON of It It ii s question of Individual City, Utah preference with the millions of voters. So far as I am concerned, the mention of my name in that connection Is out of the question. I do not regard It all M R. Evans, Or. J. B. . Keysor, DENTAL PARLORS. Lollln lllock, 1M0 Msiu St. flrst door north of th Walker Uouee, SALT LAKE. , Coma In tha morulng and wear your new teeth bom el night. Reliable ss Sl-0- PHOKUCE. BALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. -- ss fur Poultry Heodqnsrlors Flour Haj, AND GENERAL men-of-w- ly WITHOUT Young Bros Co, WANT h,gg, or erioknt snp-nllc- a guns, ammunition, etc, sand for our illustrated estalopue, free to nlL BSOWN IMG KUOS.. 1U Mnlast. Balt Lake D. 1863 OLIXWOOD SraiNUS, Seeds, IF M. University of Kew York, SPECIALIST Hilgert Deformity - Absent-mindedne- t PEDI6REED PIONEER FRUIT TREES NURSERIES CO., BALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Judge Henry C. Caldwell. Grow First-cla- ss and only High seriously, and I think that no one else does." Stock. Grade Would you accept It If you were nominated?" I would prefer not to talk about the LAUNDRY matter, and I have had nothing to do THE PARIS-HOM- E with whatever talk has been going the WANTS ACENTS rounds," t piled Judge Caldwell, but In a manner which Indicated that he a every town In Utah to establish abraueh as would not be averse to becoming a canollclt orders. Add rose at onos didate for his party. The people In the West understand Paris-Hom- e that you are for free silver. That la where you stand, is It not?" questioned the reporter. The face of the Judge lightened up Belt Lake, Utah with enthusiasm, as hs answered: Yes, MB West Temple street. sir; that Is correct 1 am for free silver, without reserve or any reference to sn International agreement It la Farm Loans plain to me that there can be no In- MoCornlok llloek, bait Lake. ternational agreement favorable to silver. because England will not agree to accept free silver. What Is the use of paying any attention to the foreign 137 Rooms 8 elevators, elec trio lights, blrlat-l- y countries anyway? Are we not capais all Its appointments. Makes a ble of managing our own affairs? I M Hrel does to rets trade. think we are. and If not, I am In favor of annexing the United States to Canada or some other convenient country. Jeweler Laundry, SKiJ'Si'V"' Reecl Hotel, oh. Watchmaker, Governor Morton Indulges In only two or three cigars a duy, and these very mild ones, He is abstemious in ths use of wiM and not a very Jwarty sster. S Optician ALEX. L WYATT. MS Mein Misak L M. N. U.-83.- 1898, Balt Lake. |