Show Did You Road m The Capital City Commercial collpqt has cunt lu thin maker offering Intrue lion IIlt 10 a nombur of persons Did you read it Homestead Receivers OIHco Salt Lake City Ulali l I Octobernd 18WJ f Received of Both lace tho sum of fourteen dollars und tidy cents being tho nmountoffcu and compcnRauon of IlvgUltr and Receiver for the entry of swU nw > 4 ni IW > 4 of section 31 In township 0 south of ninco 4 east under Section I 2290 Revised Statutes of the United Biaua IIOVT BuinUAN Receiver 1 WJlne8C81 i A w n Lunilqulst Z T Hopper r Clma K Lundqulst und JauvH Henderson all of Thistle UlunC ° uuijrVU < h Territory I It FRAGRANT I VANITY FAIR I CIGARETTES Y E414 N ° NE BVmXfoWTHE FINEST Vl RGINIA b ssr ftRK 15A ToBACCO fj TE HIGHEST SKILLED WORKMEN EMPIPED w MAKING THE5E CIGARETTE5 t WB5KIMBALLCQ TKe American Tobacco b Successor For GAR Encampment atLouisvillo Kentucky Sept 11 to 13 Urn Un Inn Paclfla will make a rate of 43 for tin rnuud trip fivm SpanIsh Fork Ticket oi i sale Sept C7 and 8 and will bo urn ited for continuous passage In eneh II nctlou and will not ha ojd for rtanrti prior to S ° it Hi final rturn limit Oct 01895 Cf htirctt te Ltflei Wo offer no ipology In t placing before I you THD LADIES 8AFB PnOTCCIOn It ll l absolutely abso-lutely rollablo easily adjusted ilooi not bo como mUpl ccd and Insures protection Can bo worn when desired without observation or linon Idgo of another and prevents disagreeable arno anco under certain conditions If you use It oiico you will never bo without It It Is a TnltbfOI safe and relhblo frlena whenever needed by liecl > tl clrouuiatanccs rcquirlnp Its usn It Inn aitlcle cery woman should keep ready tar Immedlato uso Ills simple louse Inspires confidence In the woman using It It Is reliable and sclcntlflcilly made Insures protection without Injury to health ns any good physician would say Wo arc of the opin ion that no article has ever been mailo which will give as much satisfaction to the women of today as TilE i Bias1 SAFE rmmcTOii The ImtnpTo nilpa l of this article IK a substnn < 0IL uiuuiit mcni 01 our claim LIO not there fOil t porIrj1ent with any of the numprous unreliable un-reliable articles as It Is both dangerous to the health end expensive to do so Such expert menllng can ony resut In loss of time dlsup oplntmentand dlsrnil faluro Indies should ri mu7uUojf this before ordering other goods and not waste 1tA r ttni and money on Inferior articles Thebes 1 fbilXAJf cheapest TUB Still ruoTEOTOH Is soW Tmi > positive guarantee for nje for ono year with fuUuro tlons auil Is sent scaled In plain wrapper upon receipt of express money order for J100 three for 15 Do not wall but order ut once Address 1 ho La Crow Specialty Co La Crosse Wls Summons Utah Territory Utah county l I Spanish Fork City r In tho Justice Court Spanish Fork City bo I fore John P Jones DavId L Malcolm ant Win U Hughes partners part-ners iinrtduliif business under tho name and stilo ot Malcolm Hughes Plaintiffs vs George II IJabcock Dcfendant To George II Uaboock GreetIng You lire hereby summoned to bo nnd appear before me tho undersigned at my onlce In Span ish fork City Utah County Utah TerrItory to answer n lomplxint against you tiled herein ly said ptMntlfri within He days If this summos Is served on you within Spanish Font City within tendajs If served on you outside of said Spanish Pork city but wIthin tho County of Utah and within twcntvflve lays If served elsewhere Said acttcn is I brought to recover from you ths um or J03 w the said sum being i balance rtuoou an account for goods 801 < and dellverul your Instance and request at Span ish Pork City Utah Conrty Aut you are here bj uotlildl that If you fill to so appear and answer as above required Iho plitlntlll will take judgment against you for tno sum of K > 2 60 and Interest thereon at tho rato ot 8 per cent per annum and costs of suit I Olvo under my han thIs 26lb day of August A D 1893 JOHN P JONES Justice of tile Ptace Win D Hughes Attorney ll1l litiM1 REE Course by Mail I r with thu CAPITAL CITY I j COmlEnCIAL COLLIDE 111 To Adeertic Our College m 0 Wo will gIve a thorough course of In t slruction in double nnd single entry C booklet eping and commercial Arlfh H i mtlo by mall Fes cl Chirja ID a limit nd number of persons flits course will bo completed In 40 lessons No charge for diplomas Address p VPITAL POMMCRCIAL CPITAJ COMMEHCIAL LiITY VjOLLtGK p 0 Drawer 11 Popeka Kan Hxana sm 1 ffi Webster9s International Di ionary I Invaluable OiSoe SOlloOl and Hoc I New from Cover to Cover Suuulor of the I Unabridged Standard of the U B Govt ITlut l lug Office the U8 o Rupremo Court and AL of nearly all the tt t tJ V I Bchoolbooka > WnrmlT commended com-mended by Btlto Hupcrlnlondonti ot Bchoola and other Kdncaton nl1 mOlt without uum tier THE BEST FOR EVERYBODY 1 BCCAUIC > It Ii easy to find the word wanted 1 Wordiere ajyanthair cancel lrbib a rises In the oubulMT each one Ununlns s put i crap > a a > to bo readily cnuclit 67 the eye j It Is I easy to ascertain tho pronunciation The rronnncUtlon It i IndlcAttd hr the ordinary I f n II iI btt dltcHUotllr market letter uiert 1 In the ichoof tckools books ho sounds are taught la the pubUa i It Is eaiy to trace the growth ol a word The rtrmolojlts are romplel and scIentiSt end 1 the nurer nt moonlnrn K wool iu acautred are given U the order ot their IOtb from tOe root Idea I It is easy to learn whqt a word mean IhedfnnlHoiniirecIfirerpllcttiuidfuUi I teru yet Tetcomprthcn tach defliUUon conUlnod 1 in a tcparata paragraph OC MERHIAII CO Publishers Springfield Unas V WU I Bpaountn pag i ftC tnt on application i Jo not bur cheap reprInts of jelenl tdluoni J I Q WOO 1 1 orn J M STUIL illM Attorney at Law Two doors noatli if Rorkblll Hotel SPANISH FORK i UTAH S jillUEL COHNABY I I f I Notary Public IkONItY L01tNDED ON 1 Improved Farms AflBlfr LONDON KIRK IKBUKIHC COM PINT Oflloe st rcfcIJ l neo one Bk east of Coot Spanish Fork Utjh E IE3Z EEOVTNS Hack Line Moots Mapletoa and City Trains SPANISH toni UTt1 N FOR MONUMENTS i Go toM to-M Miokelson Mfgr TO CREER MONEY LOltNED OK IMPROVED FARMS AT KEAEOKAB 11ATK3 i SPANISH FORK UTAH J I E COCHRAN Attorney at IV MANTI t1rAH Gj ij q f SUITS THAT s J ar SUIT 3 m Mode byWM ji W1l JOHNSON t1 EDWARD WOODS lO HACK LINE Meets all trains UUT OnDKRS AT THE BOIACK IlOUSf Veterinary Surgeon 1 ALL Al IMlf9 LEFT IN MT CARE WILL Stf I I rnoFEnLT ATTENDED TO Edward Woods Man iagt ± T THE Denver Rio Grande I Railway I Scenic Lino of the Worll The ouly line running two tbrougti T at t Trains daily to LEADVILLE ASPEN PUEBLO COLORADO SPRINGS and UHKVSK r Train No 2 leaves Ojilcn 700 u in J Salt Lake 805 am arrive nt Puellv J 018 a m Colorado Sprlugu 71 a IIIj D nyir 1030 a m Train No 4 leaved Ogden 035 p n < 1 Suit bake 740 p m arrive at Pnebh 527 p m Colorado Springs 653 p U Djaver U25 p tn Connoelloas mado at PooH Coloritil i Spilugfl anti Donver with all linn esr EJe ant Day Coaches Chair Cure Illut Pullman Sleepers on all trains Tfciv the D < II G anil have a comfortible ti and enjoy tho finest deanery on the Ct uncut Shortest lino to Cripple Creek Colu raJos Greatest Gold Camp A B HUOm SK HOOPER Truffle Mgr GI TA Denver Colorado B F KEVINS General Agent Salt Lake City Utah II M GUSHING T PA BaIt Lake City Utah CAVEATSTRADEMARRs COPYRIGHTS J CAN A ObJtlf 4 PATENT IWIo Vr nuiwee and an bonec opinion wrtte lei LrpI1 N o CO who ban had nsazfl 77wr once le Sb patios bUetheg lion a Oiti I COnOlentaI I A IiundbM iIaarca atm fonCatlOll eonctnlw lareut and bow to 00 lain ulm seas free Alia a ea1a1ocs or iSlo 1el1uI41clenUlio Oob lilt > reeL Iateau tken tbrcalb lIUOQ Co 1 esb alDOUcl IbaHe aUODAlDercaw = bcoucli w1411 a are iaoiag o wide 7 berorba pabUeWb CrA coat to the Innntor Tble 1 splendid PPea = i W4 1Iltanurulu1trat bu b WUI i Cl atlOlS Of i IClei 0A wortat aI OI in UIo tyDelO 53 a year al ient ui dluoa mODfbl7 coj L Building J > 4 tio ou Sly a COptes t3 1 cents tTcrl numb r ContaIns twwi i rul plato In cof ore and botogrphg or w with plan enabling PboJinrhl h pt OUIOp 1 uell11 M leoura ccntrrctl 4411I Ir Ii lO lJr1 Yom Uti n p6 |