Show TT ± = RESULT OF A FAMILY FEUD Harry Stone Murdered at Salmon Meadows Stone Supposed to Have Been Waylaid Way-laid and Shot by the Old Man Enmity Dated from tho Tragic Death of Stones Wife Who Was Poisoned Two Years Ago Foul Play Was Suspected iI Boise Ida Aug 2GA Statesman special 110111 Welser says Ntal John I soil who 1etu nod today fiom Salmon Meadows bi Ings a few particulars of I the murder which occupied at Meadows J Mea-dows on Wednesday August 21st While I the races were in progress near Col Whites late In the afternoon a stranger rode up and leported that several miles acioss the valley on Mud Ii creek he had come across the body of a man lying on Its I face In the road one not frequently traveled Ho dismounted dismount-ed and attempted to turn the body It was stiff and cold and he left It as he found It he did not know who the dead man was A party at once wentto the place and found It to be tho body of one Harry Stone He wa shot in the right side low down In the ribs the ball coming out near the left nipple the course ranging upward His horse was standing a short distance off with the saddle on He had not been dead over I ten or twelve hours The murderer had evidently lain behind a log which was J near by and shot Stone as he rode along As there has been a feud for sometime some-time between Stone und a family named Curtis the old man Curtis who Is also fatherinlaw of Stone was suspected sus-pected of the deed as It was near to his premises and a young son who was found there was closely questioned It was learned that Curtis had taken his rifle and started out that morning and had not been home since Up to the present writing Curtis has not been found but It is repotted that traces of him have been discovered making his way down Little Salmon river About two years ago or longer Stones wife who was a daughter of S Curtis died from strychnlnejakHro lioveb ttittihtitifenKrd tfy her y own r hand Stone told lends that she had confessed to having been untrue to him during his absence He seemed greatly affected mentally over his domestic I troubles and bothered friends and 0111 i clals of the county with his woes wantIng I want-Ing l done with the person Implicated Im-plicated He also asked protection from I I his wifes relatives who he said had 0 > I threatened to kill him It is conjectured conjec-tured by some that her family suspected suspect-ed Stone Qf having poisoned her him 1self orjlfnotthisthat hlspersecutloif had driven her to take her own life I rlt7r and that the murderer felt himself to I be an avenger There Is no doubt that I out of the old family troubles grew the cause for the deed |