Show Cambria Aug 26The Burlington Missouri railroad has Increased Its coal orders with the Cambria coal company 100 tons a day Newcastle Aug 26An Italian named John Badye charged with attempting at-tempting to poison a miner named Michael Mi-chael Dacy was captured at Beulah on Monday by Sheriff Owens and brought to Newcastle Rock Springs Aug 26A meeting of Sweetwater county sheep growers was held here Monday and an association formed under the name of the Sweet water Sheep Growers association Ed H Wright was elected president David Dickie vicepresident and T E Davis secretary A resolution was adopted requesting Governor Richards to Issue a proclamation prohibiting the admission admis-sion of all foreign sheep Into this county coun-ty unleS3 the owners have In their possession J a clean bill of health from the Inspector as the law requires Saratoga Aug 2UOame Warden Paulson has returned from an extended trip along the ColoradoWyoming line He reports that the slaughter of game for hides and heads has not been very heavy this year In Wyoming but in Colorado elk and deer are being killed In large numbers Evanston Aug 26 Word has been received from Henrys Fork that John Berry mall carrier between Green River Riv-er and Burnt Fork wq drowned two weeks ago while fording Green river on horseback The body has Just been recovered |