Show Romantic History of a Dowager Empress Em-press The Dowager Empress of China who was a good deal to the front during dur-ing the late troubles in the Middle Kingdom has had a very romantic history his-tory She was the child of poor parents par-ents in the suburbs of Canton and remarkable re-markable for her beauty At a time when her parents did not know whenqe their dally bread was to come she suggested sug-gested that they should sell her as a slave This course was followed and sho became the property of a famous general He was so enchanted with her beauty that he adopted her St ieu inn general next went to Pekln he offered his beautiful daughter to the Emperor and thereby won great fa or The young girl so charmed his Majesty that he soon made her his wife When the Emperor died the former slave became be-came regent of the empire and administered admin-istered the national affairs better than almost any of her prcdccessoi She Is Justly considered one of the great women wo-men of her tlmeThe Westminster Gazette |