Show FOUBON THE SAME LIMB Quartette Murderers Hung in California Ghastly Climax to the Reign of Law lessness in Sisklyou CountyCell Doors Were Battered Down and the Criminalo Taken Out One by One The Last Was but Nineteen Years Old Yiekti II Aug 2Glour murderers vuiy taiuii out 01 the county jail by a nobot IM nan at l ocluOK 1 tlua morn lig I und I ntlieu I Xj A ban ui uilKcns fonTIng that the law would nut be cnuiuU oiu HUJ an looted OMI the utioclty of recent unnes uiHeimined to IUKU muttciu Into theIr own hunus The 1 lynching was a ghastly cltinux to the iclgn of lawlessness which has prevailed In Slslilvuu county for some nonths past One of the victims was Lawteuc Johnson who on the evening ot Jul > 2th stabbed his wife to death In Hit town of Etna Another was William Null who shot lenry Hityter In the back with a illle near Cullahnns on April 21st Louis Moieno anti Garland Semler who are supposed to have killed George Sears and Casper Mclrorhans at Bailey Hill on August 5th were also hanged At 11 oclock last night faimeis from all of the surrounding country began I to drive into town nndj f wlanlght the mob was rearUfoo iarcnv IHVsepimty ttfi Uer ifHakltig n step hoWcy very ptecautlon was taken to prevent the plans of the lyncheiH from being frustrated by the ollicers of the law The sherIff and one of his deputies were decoyed to another part of town by two members of the mob who were en iuged In a sham light und the llrcbell was mulllcd to prgv nt an alarm from being given in that way A DETERMINED OFFICER When the jail Was reached a number of the men all of whom were maakud wakened Under Sheriff Kadford und dernaitued thu keys from him He posi ively refused to open the door or give htf keys up telling them that If they roKu In the doors lie would blow their brains out Finding that Iladford was determined not to give them the keys they went across to the Jail und got on top of the stone wall which suiiound the jail Deputy Sheriff Henry Brahtlacht who has been sleeping In the jail since he commitment or so many murderers thinking some one was escaping from the Jail fired two shots out of the win dow to alarm City Alaislml Parks and Deputy Sheriff Iladford lIe then opened the doors and was Immediately held up by the mob who took the keys from him and entered the Jail Having no keys to the different cells they were comcfilled to JjinaUUio lekq svitJr a < sledffe I hamntervwliJcH they proceeded to do ut once j > < a WIFEMURDERER FIRST Lawrenc H Jdhtisbn who brutally I stabbed his wife tbideath at Etna on Sunday evening July 28th was the first to receive the attention of the mob They broke the lock from the door of his cell and placing rope around his neck led him out of1 the jail and across the street to where an iron rail was laid between the > jforks of two locust trees Johnson pleaded for mercy but the silent gathering gave no heed to his appeals and he WAS quickly strung up dying from strangulation in a few minutes min-utes The mob returned to the jail and next broke Into the cell of William Null I who o shot Hen IHayter at Callahans on April 21st inia dispute over some mining property Null desired to make a statement butjtlme was too valuable to permit any such preliminaries and he was soon hanging alongside of Johnson jR Louis MorenoWho was charged with having killed George Sears on the Btli of this month was then taken from his cell and was soon swinging with Johnson John-son and Null I A YOUTHFUL VICTIM The last and youngest of the four murderers to pay the penalty of his crime was Garland Semler aged about 19 who ln ompany with Moreno was charged with having killed Casper Aieirernana an Bailey 11111 on the uin of this month A rope was placed around Semlers neck and he was led from the jalln his bare feet Semler begged for mercy and his last words were Tell my dear old mother I am Innocent of the crime About this time Sheriff Hobbs having been notified arrived on the scene and starting foci the Jail door was commanded com-manded to halt the command being emphasized the display of several revolvers He was toLl that the job had been doiie By this1 time the greater part of the mob hnddlspersed leaving only about thirty orf3ty men on guard who soon left afterjthe sheriff ai rived The b4di s were taken down by Coroner Coro-ner Schofleld and Marshal Parks who removodaltnem In a wagon to an engine en-gine hduse where they were laid side by sldel jjft The corgner baa summoned a jury to hold aiiBJnquest Yieka Is a little mining I mi-ning towrCand years ago was fiequently the sceriSfof mob violence The summary sum-mary manner In which Justice vas meted me-ted outflto the four murdeicis this mornln reminded the pioneers of similar sim-ilar scenes during the gold excitement forty years ago when It was not an uncatnnfgh spectacle to awaken In the mornlngfand l see the body of a notorious notori-ous criminal dangling from a treo Salt Lake City ttah May 1C ISSi WDS 1111 this Co For over ten yearsw have smoked cigarettes and cheW1 tobacco For the last three or fourlyoiirs I would smoke forty to fifty overyfcjy I tried several times to quit butpl vas Impossible for me to do It ulon I tried the Keely Cure It failed Tlmmi gave the NoTobao a trial 1 tool sovn KJxes and It JIll not help me On thcflst day of March I commenced taK InfCthe iaBlo Tobacco Cure It cured ma ln > five days It Is now over two months and I have no desIre for tobacco 111 finy j form It will cure any man of the toBSEco habit If ho wants to bo cured AI1 fill will have to do Is to follow the directions rhe only fault with the curt la I IEannot get enough to eat Since taking the cure I havo gained twentytwo poljnds In weight ana still going up Yours etc DAVK HILL |