Show REPUBLICAN CONVENTION TICKET NAMED PLATFORM AND RESOLUTIONS Salt Lake City u IiAu ust 20 hojlttjiuullcan Slate convention convened con-vened In this city yuaiurday and named a state ticket Every county presented a full delegation oxcopt San Juan iliu convention was organized by the clue Llsnof C S 1 Varian ua chairman Tho following It the ticket Governor llobor M Volls Congrcssmon Clarcnco U Allen Secroary of State James T Hammond Ham-mond Tioaauror James Ch I inn an Audltbrr Morgan ItlcBaras jo J AttorneyGeneral A 0 lllshop Suporlnt6udont of Public Instruction Mrs Emma McVlckor Judges of Supreme court Charles S Zaos G W Bartcb James A Minor The resolutions and platform congratulate con-gratulate the people of Utah that tho Republican party Is again the dominant party of the nation demands free coinage coin-age of silver condemns the administration administra-tion for the issue of bonds In tlmo of pence favors protection for homo industries in-dustries condemns the failure of the administration to open the Uncompnh gro and Ulnlah reservations pledges support to the public school system endorse en-dorse fixed salaries for pUblic olllclals j demand economy In public expenditures endorses the constitution for Utah demand de-mand that real estate bulonhlng to in i I Mormon church now hold by the gov ornmetit be turned over to the church congratulate iho women upon BulIniKo condemn the National Democratic administration ad-ministration for weak foreign policy denounces tho Democratic party of Utah for ballot box smiling In Wobur bull Luke und Sanputo counilus de dounco thu Democratic members of the Utah Commission as bulug accessories to Ibo fraud |