Show I Oatmeal and Oranges No sort of food Is better for the complexion com-plexion than oatmeal and oranges The I finest complexions In the world are those of the Italian and Spanish ladles who live on coarsegrained food and fruit like the orange and banana It Is said that the fact is becoming appreciated ap-preciated and that some ladles to acquire ac-quire and preserve a good complexion are living almost entirely on oranges Half a dozen for breakfast with a cup of coffee a dozen for lunch with a glass of milk and a saucer of oatmeal and a dozen more for supper and a sip of tea may Dot be too high living in the proper sense < < of the word but such a couraof diet will bring a complexion of pc pTh and ivory which will drive almost any belle out of her head with envy The Town and Country Journal Sydney N S W |