Show GER1I AMERICAN VETERANS Paraded kf Berlin and Cheered by the People Berlli AUK 27ho train having on bourn tie uirmanrAmerican veterans arilVeq at th1 3 central station here at ali4 I1 hIl moljilntt fiym Bremerhavim They weriJ wirmly welcomed by the nilltdry and cUler associations who as jcmblcd in are numbers at the depot with their bannirs An imposing iugcesslon was formed and timer visitors were escorted to the Tioll gardens a number ot military I bands taking part In the parade Thu l3ltors received an enthusiastic glcet Olutl n 14I l i rh nIU iu > t jtote aHerwards entertained at lunch The greatest enthusiasm was displayed when the bands played Deutrichland Uberalles After a short I stay In the gardens the veterans dls persed with aarocn friends in order to visit the different points of interest i At 3 oclock the procession was reformed re-formed and the veterans left the Ttvo 1 garden and marched to the war monument mon-ument erected to the memory of those who fell in the battles fought by Germany Ger-many against France during the war of 187071 When the veterans were grouped around the monument wreaths were placed upon it and several patriotic patri-otic addresses were delivered after which the procession again reformed and marched through the principal streets The veterans again assembled at Emperor Williams monument near I the Pathlmusen which was enthusiast i cally cheered by the GermanAmerican I Visitors The latter and their escorts then proceeded to the Burgenpark where there was a concert by the military tary bands In the evening and splendid reworks The fetes given at the Berger park this evening were most animated and there was an Immense concourse of people at the commers In the parkhaus Herr Muller of Bremen greeted the Americans with a felicitous speech and at Its conclusion he called for cheers for the Emperor which we clven vociferously vo-ciferously President ScliaFtcker of of Chicago Veterans Scl1 uton responded re-sponded In a speech returning thanks and proposed a toast to Emperor Wil lam and the German Empire Herr Scantier of Berlin drank to a true German comradeship nnd Herr Wuldmunn of Bremen followed with a toast to the German family and Herr Ahlers president of the naval military association then diank to German unity uni-ty |