Show resentUTA ASPHA UMJOD Eastern Capitalists Scheming to So < cure a Monopoly S NeW York Aug 27A special to tho World frdm Washington says There wljl be a strong light aver the successor success-or to Captain W S Davis late member mem-ber of the commission for selection and distribution of lands to Ulntoh and Un compahgre Indians A combination Is said to have been formed of New York New Jersey and St Louis capitalists to control this appointment for the purpose of securing secur-Ing If possible I monopoly of the vast gllsonlte deposits which He along the eastern boundary of the U comp bgre t reservation J Under the law providing for the S opening Of the Uncompahgre reserva ton no person Is permitted to locate Tj3r more than two claims of fen acreseach t cCntalintnhalmwllw lm 1 resentatlves Of the combine however hope to have the ear of the commission and to know In advance the exact date when the reservation will be open Their plan Is said to be to have a stoolpigeon stool-pigeon on every deposit within the area named ready to file his claim allan all-an hours warning While these claims will be ostensibly for the benefit of the Individuals making them they will In reality be in the interest of the combine com-bine There are less than 1000 Indians to whom land will be allotted and these allotments will be located principally among the agricultural sections along the Green and White rivers and up the Duchesne river In the fertile valleys where Irrigation Is possible As soon as the allotment to the J1 dlans shall have been made the C malnlng lands containing the gilsonl deposits will be thrown open to tU public The gllsonlte Is so valuable that i pays to haul i from fiftyfive to 100 miles to the nearest railroad at great expense and then pay heavy freight rates on It across the country I Is the purest known form of asphalt |