Show I Democratic Club Mooting The Democrat of this precinct assembled assem-bled at the imvllllon Monday ovpulnc to the muilc of this Spanish u Fork band In a consldernblo number ot both sexes They milt fO perfect tholr rrganlzatlon and gather inspiration for the coming conflict The mating wn called to order by President W W Clilsholm who intro dncfd Mr Abel J Run of LMil Mr Evans spoke at length and urged ciu tlon In the work of electing delegntrp to the vnrlons convention to the end that a firm and Imrmnnlon1 Democracy rnld enter the fight thl fall Ha was greeted with frequent applvisi Mr 0 A Smoot of Prnvr lien I Uf cussed the state nt political affairs null XllusPII pnnQditncH In tint fU lIre IIli lillutlmlnts won warmly apflatideil UIH meeting then procfded with the solPOtion of an etirolllnp committee for the society nnd diol cd on having nine nemherg In such commlttpp two alnd and eJtlp lan from each ward and one the chairman at large The fdlow Insr In tha committee selected John Moore chairman First ward Gen Robertson Mrs John Bprkstrnm Second ward Hnhbsrd Tuttle Mrs Wm finfir Third wardJap Hutchison Mr KHtfl Ilnitlw Fourth ward John J Jones Mist Clara Jones A flnnnpp rommtttro of nina members ennstlMnpd the same as the enmlllip commltttpp woa then chosen ns follow John Jones chairman First ward I Geo II JPX Mrs Thou Davis Second wnrdJ H Mmslard Mrs SIIRIII Boyack Third wanlIt D Janice Miss I Nllle James Fourth ward Peter Nellson MlF8 Louisa Jones It wan thou deckled to hold the primary pri-mary for the selection of this dplegatcp to the Ozden convention on tomorrow Saturday evening at the pavllllon |