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Show v oflifaln tbe Weak and It Is hoped tbat ahe will consent to address a pub-i- 0 JIBZSZ6C SOHsTS,a i "nstalnad. hut the fset that th lsek of TeascraUe Club Meeting. I revenue dM b wave fth .d in itand . The Democrat ff ill's preelnet assem : dutva performanee cf sneh military DliUBI meeifng h:re on tbe live topic of Dld at the pavllllon, Monday evening, the veteran rendered, make a glorious etc. Doors, Lumber, WV.f.Gnaoir. Editor, tbe day, to tha mmle of th Spanish Folk bend PM In Uh' Mtory it I well to eommemnrats th pet D. P. Felt, Uinigftr, Ur, and Mra, John D. Jone, 'if Sco- In a considerable number of both stxee. on rlotld Manufacturferm of rendered dnrlng b field, Utah, were tha guetta of Mr, and Theymtfo perfect their (rganliMlon Blaek Tift rrlrei k war. It la well for the PtMhfcsd itu y Wdij Moral t tptnlsh Mr. M. W. Thomas a few flay tbla and gather Inspiration for ths coming 'vb of thn dy to hold their remilone Season. Produce handled in All wee Fork, Utah- Last Monday evening a num- eoDfl'et. ,ndy. They ought to have a complete I The meeting was railed to order by rgftVl1on. embracing nrt only the ber of friend and neighbor assembled rrterBn Infllao fWen of tM emmty. Illtrtl m thi Pen-ofB- e it Sputdi fnk, nd gave them a complete surprise. President W. W. ChlBhilm, whointrm but the veterans of ail the counties Uuk, m umi14Iui Biticr. A very enjnyahle evening we spent by dneed Mr. Abel J. Rvans. of LrM. Mr. whose ctMrn participated In the proEvana apoke at laneth and nrged can tection of Utah homes. U'ah la rich In the merry-make- r. 8' ale work of pelectlng delegatee iletorlcel event, wh ch in other Bio Gfande Western R-- B. The home of Mr. and Mr. X. A. tlonlnthe ha perpetuated bv thurongh would We know of nothing that Wilson was the scene of a pleasant to the vsrlonn Cnnventtnue, to the end Wall nil S1rrvrt Ml BnfTst that a firm end harmnnlon Demner-irer 1 Can ob hll Through Train. dignity to ' evening party on Friday, it being th retild enter the Oght thUfall. liawae wonl add mra than a complete privation, Tiaa Tnbl No. K lu oeot Much U, lift occafton of tne birthday of the host- greeted with frequent applsuse, i XUOBPOB ATED CXDXR TUI LAW 07 Dr AH. tha veteran of our Indian Mr. 0. A. Smoot, of Pfi y. Mien Bait Rnmiji ess. The foilowlng friends were me Wmi Bound Station of earvlce b ancieMea could finch wera. mm Paaa the tatn of polltlre.l sffslra end in ee rial Paa MlxS ent: Mr. and Mr. Arrowemltb, Mra. Stock $500,000, entertainment, ench a lh a. a, 8. E. P p mnfidenea lu lli th future, ri union now being held, end tliev wonld H. 8. Pyne, Ur. E. A. Wilson, Mr. Hent'mnts wei t:Mua fail Laka TSTSm are' warmly aprhaded. for serve to collect valnable data of Utah's Ttoto :Him l:W"m ind Mr. :Vlua Th meeting then prom-deArgyle. All bad an enjoy with the rcma'lrihta hliitnrv, now almost forgot1:40 pm till am :Mmb Rorinrrill ft::Km election of an enrolling committee for ten from lark of discussion. Ar und tbe :4t pm 8pntbFork IT am S:Sft pm able time. IMau 100,000 Shares ot :H t:fttom :Mpm Pnyaon I'lftia be eorletv, and deei'ed ou having nine ' am 1:0ft nm :IR am of the vetorana wonld be relat:ntpm Eoreko 6:XB eampflre Uncle last Toma Cabin Loyd' In nemhera anch committee; two, ald ed, not onlv the tale of th" Indian wars iS:Msra im ll:4ft pm :lftpm Mamumth 11:1ft am ft:IOpin SIlTrrCIty ft:lftam H:Wpp X'hurrdHy evening waa n fair rendition and gentleman, from each ward and one hut therefrefthlng racollecMons of Utah's the chairman -- at large. TheMlow s r. A Wisurai, On. Paaa. ana Tick! Agent, of that drama, a It goes would nloneer hletory, The children C. Bnooi. Pan Mot. P. (nr lath committee selerted: " folly 'hereby better Inirn and more .Ea:Broca, Traffta llrr., Halt Lah City. hnc as an entertainment it didn't John Moore, Flratward Company X. R. Bun, Agent, Bpaniah Pork. realize what It cni to redeem Utah from amount to mmh. The got a large Geo. Eobrton. chairman; Mra. John Beekatrom; the wllderneft. Provo Enquirer. Second Mm. ward llnhbard Tattle, house. Th general opinion seemst Tn Ilntehlnon. be tbat if thy would cut nut the Greer; Third ward .v-XjXje NH'IIIBORHOOI) NOTES. Pacifio he Union Hughes; Fourth ward John System drama and work their orchestra ful Mrs. Kt Mifte Clara Jonea. J. Jones, r TEE THROUGH CAB LINK. A finance committee of nlna mamher. t.lme their andleneea would be hatter George M. Brnkaw, aged 48, andLoula in the This Property Is Loi iteil anil eonatUnied tha same a tha anroiliKg L. OImoii, 25, both of Provo, were married Local Time Cabo la effect Jana 23, 1896 satisfied. waa then chosen, a follow: In tbat. city, Siturday, by Judge Dasen eoraraltttee, Tne almost universal opinion among g-oxiX-d John Jones, chairman; First ward-Ge3coTjnsr-p.ns- r berry. North Bound theatre goers m tin city 1 that Mr, Booth Bound HMra. Thne. Davie; Saond Jx, When the time for the eximluation of STATIONS Arrlrr and Mrs. Einhard Fonts are the bet ward J 11. Uuatard. Mra. Snaan Boyack; James Weak, charred with stealing ..Xouto " ward-Salt Laka City 4:8Vun Third T:liam S. D. James. Mis Nellie cattle, came In Justice Boyer' cjnrt at 4:nftpm actors who have ever appeared here. Kandy ;4lam Fourth ward Peter James; Nellson, under $100 w.a Lrhl Junrtlou l:ai)nm :ltam fiprlngville, Wek, who noom Tbelrpiaysareof a high order of merit Uiea Lonlea Jonea. Amrrlean Fork :Vaa fatUd to appear. Ha baa not Pint Count v, Utah. There la a Plaaaaut Orora It waa then decided to hold the pri- houdfi, 1:11pm and In their presentation is Rhown the l:Ham to date. found been l:K0nm :iiaa for the selection of th delegatee l:Kom reanlt of a llfedong training and the mary :14am paniah Fork n the Ogden convention on Parana l:ttpm work of true artists. Mr. and Mr. Primary Conferanca- ll:4ftpm M:l Nnphl I (Saturday) evening at the pavlllion. 11 :1ft Loots Arrive I ,u l:lftpin Foote were at the T. M. C. Opera la Abu , bo a meeting of all offleera 1 will There Leave 11:1 Arrlva ll:00om on and Inuse Thursday Wednesday ttSani Oaaia on Libor :0ftpm of tha primaries of Spanish Fork Hay Excursion. B:Miiun T :10pm evenlLgs, and lhoe who unwed thee - V:S0?m For ths above named event, to ba given Friday evening, Ang. SO. In tbe Relief 12X1 B:1llam 4:00am elocutionary and histrionic treats under the anepleee i f the Utah Bord o' Friaeo :40pm hall. Stake officers will be DlliliJOKS : Labor at Biiralc- - Beachra Mondav, Society ... present. Train aouth of Juab run dally except Sunday hare fond for regret! D John Chruttonaen, V. Tree., and Trra. Brigham , Dorgcr, Tra. SsptTSWrtne Rio Grands The Primary conference of the Sonth Through Pullman Palaea Sleeper to Chicago as a Union Late afternoon I. Q. 1L PrV: Nephi, U; ': Utah. I. Tuesday J. Ridifield, Stewart, make a rate of 1, 65 from 8panlsi Flirt ertr without ehanre. Improved Tour at Bleepers. lnelndiog the southern poreoachea. Pae'flc section foreman was coming for the ronnd trip. Train learee this tion dla'rlct, Prnereelinlug chair ear. Elngantdar ltonry Secretary Itoiely, will Utah ol county, Legtnonfiat Tha only lino operating Pining ear aorvlee. n. m.; returning leaves Salt run buoutmi axd riamt uxa to au down The track from Sprtngville lie ilty at 8:1710:15 urday morning at 10 a. in. In the F,r Particular Addrers beseh m. air officer an p. Kith inaetiug. pouts uAa. pavlllion discovered h thirty foot steel rail on A general meeting will be held at tbe P. E. BURLEY, Man, Agent Paaaengar Pnpt. Jc . JClty Ticket OSes, 101 Main St, Salt Lake City. the traek at a crossing above town LZ3AL KATTEB3- L pavlllion In tha afternoon. The public W. E. LAWSON, Agent, Bpaniah Fork. A eonp'e of youths who were near at 1 Invited. P. O. 71, Pork, Utah, S. H. H. Clam. hand when asked In regard to wht Jostle Booth has been msndmnsel Olivia W. lfiM, - Slack Hawki Elect Offictn. B. Euiir Anoxaaon, tlisv knew of It, staged tbat they found for sr change of venue tn the ease of JOUN W. Do A VI, 1 toga t, Alex to In and clear their It 1'qunr Bciltag.. egaljet their way path Eusbicx R. Coidxrt, The Utah Couuty Vereran of ihe Black at Provo.7 The ease wlll fce.fceard Reeelvera one end around and across bid swung onlMt Friday morning eltcb A B. L. LOMAX. Oen. Paaa and Ticket cent Judge King on Sept tf. X. PIPKINSON, Qan. Mgr , Omaha, Nabraaka the track. This displays a thoughtnew a ed exiCQtl?r"C01nmlftW.Jlieir CL Borrvaon Eiffery against P, lessness almost criminal. The 3?li et al, la acounty new raft fll-- d with Clerk hnelneas .meeting. J. M. WcstwoufT oT train along was that one Hsvercamp of tha First District com t. 8prlr grille was chosen chair man fhv LOCAL BREVITIES. been sufficient to hate Plaintiff ftua for $325 A) value of per- - ither members are na follows: raijrQ$d-iiavftonal property, alleged to havs been unL.ul B. W. Brown and Wm. Bone, Jr. ditch. the It in put lawfully taken by defendants. S.LiOornlLy-Is- ' building s 16x24 Henry Moyle and S.W. Brown. '' Alpine ' Cedar Fort John Addition to hli residence. FURELY PERSONAL. Goshen Han Ja'psraoa. Natioasl 1 bnlldlnv ImjtVon Oosflnu Young Men's Co-oSalem Isaac R. Price. W. P. Cnhmg. Mr. Geo. ir. Jx has recovered from Fur the above named event, to be held Sint-'qa'.b mv granery at tbe roar ol the store. t Al huqnerque. N. M, on James S. lVrry and W. S. 1, new. ill her law Pajsou resumed . bo will tbe in jSferyicts lie Uoiou Pdciile will make arateoi Tanner. Mias Alice Mellnr la visiting in Balt 432X5 for the round Presbyterian chapel next Sunday. Th 8panlsh Fork and Lake Shore E. B. trip from 8p inlab Fork. Belling dales Sept, l'iili and 14:h; K. Fergnson, M. B. Gay aud IV. J. Lake this week, pnMlo ii cordially lnritad, ilcketato carry transit limit of four Thomas. J. J. Ilolt wai here this week on a days The puDUc er.bnol opened, Monday In each direction with final limit Provo Robert Farrar and M. S, Pratt. with a good attendance In all depart- visit to bis parents if October 10th, 1305. Spilngyilto A. W. Hamer and Edment (or thin time of year. win Lee. ALL RIGHT; City Recorder Hughes was a Self W. Drigga in Pleasant Grovs-- B, : K8TS1CT COURT AIFAIRS. Tha retfiatritlon show that 8panleli Like vlxhuron Wednesday. Robert Cobler. WILL TELL YOU MORE NEXT WEEK. Fork precinct will poll about 1,10. Fbstofflce Inspector KIchuIls was In American Fork Alva Green and Robcourt votes at tba coming election. Judge King opened Monday and ert E. King. town on buine;o, Tuesday. l the following cases for thu d ptenibei Mr. Wtstwnod was unable to give any Monday la Labor Day, and there In A. O. Smoot and son, or Provo, were Information lu regard to next years term of the Flrat court: District at but that indication the do present in town, Saturday, on business. reunion, rs no arrangements had yet 8pt. 9 --Allis Burr v. John Pore. been made. laboring man will labor as usual. Mr. Gurdlna Tomstoff and on, of Sept. II Walter Bartow E. C. A number (rum here went on the salt Lake, who bad been visit ng In Bur wn. JWpn Perg roast ve. Chav. C. A Eragg'.r'.'s Bask Act'Crecr. Abner Koffard, et al. vs. LawXi of F. excursion to Castilla. Satur this city for several returned rence Lund, day, et C. Whitmore Gn.rge al, Ou last Monday after nr n the reading day evening. They report a large hum, Tuetday, Miulam Laouard, et al. C. G. Woriz v. t'nie. public In this city was detply p lined to Frank Woodward, David Robertson vs. Thom Bentoy 12 K. was issued 3. lai. and George Thompson started Sept. Bunnell ve. R.G. W. learn that Mr. E. D. Storl-- y, the genial A marriage lictnee yesler Railway Kurt la va. G. and urbane proprietor o i the dlspetnry Sprlng-yillof Mr. Qua. to Chase, rompaiiy. Friday flay for Urabeo, where tbey hive a ii. Hilsou. It. II. TuumiSoncityvs. U. G. just beycn-- the postoffle, bed dtoson-tinne- d and Mis Emma Taylor, of Spaa canal contract. A'. Railway company. to the The hi subscription 20 i lib Fork, aged year respectively. SiH. 13 Wine Co. rs. L C Meaar A. J. Evini, of Lehi, and O. now spread As the dreadful Herald. U. James 1 Dunams. U. ve. iH G. soon to be pu 1. Tbe drama Hug Smoot, of Provo, were here Monday iV. K'yCo, Piovo etiy Myndua of eadaeM and dismay a tbroad Ku v. feeling Jinepli local f. talent, upon tba stage by Auuls Marks va. bullion U.ck evening and spoke wn:d ofumior. over tne community like a Foote la assisting tbe young pi ople tun und advice to lbuuaierrlfied"lu iliit. uni Gbaiupinn Mining Co, blankety-bla- nk fog ou tbe lovely bosom A. U Oliver Blade va. Hnr if Uiab Lake, or like a cnatlug of adobe they are actively preparing for llit precinct. lUyee. Msriha AL Paiten v.Henr. on tbe d- - ha of the canyon in a frwhvt. preeentatton. laKiwiiger Agent Taggatt, of the Uowdie. Klizabotli E. Sorry rs. B. G- - W. la au iuttiview with the Uluald man Tbe merry-go-roupeople have re- Tniob Pacific, aud Ben Bacnmao, ot guv uo rcatou tor hi rush r.Sirtoy 16 N,. L-- . Eiwtol v. inward moved to Fayson. They did agouti Pruvj, secretary of the Itoeetmtd at the moment to be rt. Srpt. Republican ; et a I, two cam-i- . lniuip uuitor an excess of tciror. business bare. Malcolm & Hughe County Cemrai commit: ee, paid this BMalmquisr, ekiti 1 1. I) Our rrprfveutativc, not having the defor the city a brief visit, furnished transportation Meadow an to compel the gtii'al druggist to Sept. Tuesday. Greenhalgh outfit. In igmtiou comps uy , i b j ee oases. Huber i.- kewhat he eo obvtoualy didnt want, MuNtill vs. Parley Hsnsou. as cheerfully ae he does to acquiesced Paysona street sprinkler, which FLASHES. Bept. 18 J. C. Bteilms et al, VS. R. G. otners of Fates stern decrees. W. Ry. Co. T. L. Vineeut vs. R. W. Spanish'' k or people bonowed lat When tbe sickvulng lutelliKcnce of Ry. Co. Joseph A South v. Ii. G. W. Uy Mr. Sorleys defi etton begsn to spread week, waa knocked nut alter a few It seems tbat th little salMu-a-len- t rounds because there wasn't water epiaodi mentioned by Tux Hebalu Co. faKrtuuus Nelson vs. C. 11. brod,our eltlzma gitltored In forlorn gionpB about the r.ireet corner end available to put In it. was nut Intended for publlcut.uri tenlble cuusiqapnct which Brpj. 19 Alex. Je&nicg vs. Euqulroi Ftderal Judge Bildger, Attcruej i hough coubldertd well tiiuugh in Ini Co. B. M.Dogglna va. Jo Ray and L. muas ensue. reporter, Holbrook. NEWS abiac.was boiieful; au lro.. -- clad con- GREAT VALUE Creiger and Miss Kmerauu, a l.l. uugra-pbe- r, way r.ir a campiiig expedition joke. A. Noon A. firm vs. Provo a end belief in the justice City Railroad science were ht tbe Buyack Hotel luai An rror ot judgdien lad.ea aud gen-- t Cj. waa dismiued. uf the sustained him in lrabeur OF THE WORLD FOR Tne bond in the case of th Pecpln vs. uf trial.god, Friday, taking uatliuuuy in regard to emeu. ovdi-ruiolden Pbu Foot, were lime A gloomy citizen suggrato.1 that whan to be sued upon. the Indian troubles of the FOR A TRIFLE, Th cose of the People vs. Samuel the sun sank from bight into tbe wratern LITTLE MONEY. Nepbl nanson I on the road A teachers' meeting wa held in the H to no bodily b&ini, wa.' horizon assail Young, Would no return it k throughout the county lo the peiliaps Bee school bouse Friday andSatur- dlamlawd. mort! Oh! tiriitile possibility! A panic of the Consolidated Impleinterest of direction' under tbe "eized the crowd at d many were for Fnucipai nay, Black Hawk War Vts;ans. The work for tbe ensuing ment Co. He says he Wus kept au Reee placating Mr. Surtoy at any cost. Other . stood epeechl with dismay. school year waa planned . and uibei busy attending to oruero, laatTbUis-dayVeterans of C tabs famous Stock. Hank Al this juncture eu lnd.v idual with a twenty-pag- e that he couldn't Cilebrate hard war are Journal is the leading Republican family paper lmaines of an educational nature a at Spwuiah the air cf an tnneclaat and the gsll bolding how that's States. It la a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and give all thegeoera: United the item Folk. The veteran nero enough. (Note of book transacted. a that peddler eaggented the militia wou.d have read If Mr. II. bad made Mr. 8oriey didnt run Iho uclveree and of the United States. It give the event of foreign lacdz la a nut'helL Four of Ipanub Fork's delegation ol the wy of this Territory, who lu 1865-0-- 7 ii.MAI i.;,r 1 be conducting it "AGK'CCLTUUAL at the enn trip Intended.) department has no superior In the country. went to protect settlements In Southern own buel ness. might five preceded to Balt Lake, Wednesday, Auai chiral os the idea HKPOUTS are eeogDizftd authority. Seperate departments for "TriF.--.- ! ? Utah against the raid of the fcd-ikwa It Wa seised by Hi deapaiilng Circle," "Ocr Young Folks" and Science and Mechanics. Ita iloir. i to taka h turn at lb work of saving One day this week some one told wera columns c unround ths ndroiratlou of wires and daughters Its r pnpuDce as eagerly as a drowning mat. Wfcrrlors, tha lbey country, James Crser a story of how he (Janie) ' of the poltical news, editorials and dtssussions are cemprsheneive, brilliant an at a straw, and a gl.-.The Black Hawk war was tiiemoM ecches Mdlor and Finch, and Memr. btuii had entered Ths li-r.f hop fiaaSiid athwart the of haua'.ive. Hahald bauciuin and Morteneon. Ur. bor.ey want to wltn a Wiuches.er and Uo! .that It might b devastating of all the Indian wars ol despair. intent ilit, lu the ecena ot action on Monday :o bvlp "do" the editor, which the latter ihdi Utah. It resulted in the death of about trnrl A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid journal and "1 ill; The row hsprful citizens wended event. wventy settle ra, aud eost the Territory stupe tbe coning and homeward yidual prevented by being a lithe 11,500,100. the awalud HERALD for anxiously Utah citizens that dawn of another Tbe Faysun Second ward choir gave, previous with a day. Jim war them. Ires, end bore itsfought bur entire tha cantata, "Queen Esther" at the face w a st' dy a he Jieieusd to Hie den financially. When the war ws first The suu arose at the naual lima aud Satplaeo on TuesdHy morning, and appearappeal was made to Fort DongluH ed Opei a buuee to a small auali nee, yarn and aideutly lougeu Tor a little oegun in no wtoe affected by Mr.Sorley for bui officer the waa anvwrred mat aid, urday evening. Tee renoition of somebody's vivid imagloation. pioceilure. All day long It did their wa to pro: the overonly duty t the old stand, and ltwa In good and deserved a betur home. The land uiftile, aud the svtilers would hare bii"ins-aevident that the nniveie was still aooir was unfortunate in vlalilng A gentleman from a neiguburing to take tare of tlieoiHelvea. (Tho regular subscription for the two papers is $3.00.) Well, tne settler did tak rare cf IntArt. Spanish Fork at a time when tbe peo- city wh-l- gazing at th Co op e three theuiai man Tbe a feds that Herald terrible SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIE. Ira, and the veteran who areu chasm yawns betweeu Mr. Siilij and ple bad been aurfeited with enter- story building and noticing lia air today commemorating the war by tears and that it abyssm! vUomeut. air of pnupirl'y, remarked: "I have at Spanisit Folk are among those hlmstlf, may never be bridged. It might Address all orders to acrvle without rernun depth Mib. J. A Telford, of Grand J unction, stock lu t wcu o of thiwc institu- woo gavs-ibei- r have been different had we appointed s. eratluu for the pritciion f Utah our guardian Cob, Is expected here soon and would tion but that la th only one which Of course Utah feel proud uf 'lie genial HERALD, llfcd to meet ttielaalcB of Bpaniah Fork ha paid dividend In the them. Th:iy ar her vatoran and their when we first came to town. W. a This la much to the credit of ouBelllsh devotion to the causa of civiwith a view to organising local Real the Ad. their deed more haloed 0. T. U. Mra. Taiford la one of tbe Spanish Fork as a community ai d to lization makesare Writs your name and address on a postal card, send it to Gao, W. r-- ;t entitled to remuurra-tlo- n Read tbs ad. headed "Free Course by uu subjects per the managers of the Coop. as saga today.for They Bt lesiurtn Sif Ycii: what they did, and the Territory Mail by the Capital City Commercial Room 2, Tribune Building, New York City, and sample copy of hontd have bein ptld for the losses it college". It i a due offer. Aj ply for it. Weekly TRiarNE will be mailed yon iawj to women in every sphere clous business men. sash Lath, ihe Best Broom kinds of the Market, its Deseret Gold Mine $ Milling ITt-iti- pl'.-ue- orean-last'on- of siFisr Capital With 500,000 Shares, pa:r, stock o 'A? the said J, sale offering iMunsrrEra- new-a-dav- Go., at PE3 R SB CENTS $i.oo. BHAP.3 Sltuitei o. - nkonsriisrcs- idistibic r, Mountain of Free Milling Goi Ore, Water and Timeer I:r lisa . Assays AvcracJI5.00 Per Ton. DESERET HELD MIKE MILLINE EE Spanish 1 1 Ued-qnis- Ha'-ktng- Are Ton St-p- 16-2- .A. IDEfCOGK.A.T ? . v. - - Are Tou K,E3FTJBriXGA.3ST ? e, Crli-urni-- Ir Si-p- i. So? See yon nd later, then, tobt-iiii,-- r. 17-P- uter Uiuu-nterber- g. O-i- r its-wiue- d WEEKLY l 1111-we- The N. Y. WEEKLY TRIBUNE iu Mea-tom- 1 e ht tb-d- r. One year for only $2.25, Cash e Kdvance. are-unlo- ty-tw- pin-neer- pill-vend- ur la-tt- THE Spanish Fork, Utah, )ar". - Tn |