Show A PRETTY GIRL Who Onco Sat With Californias Su premo Court Few people are aware that a woman once sat on the Supreme bench In California Cali-fornia said exSecretary of State Thomas Beck at the Palace Hotel last night to the San Francisco Call A look of Incredulity ovorsprpad the features fea-tures of his listeners It Is a fact nevertheless continued contin-ued Mr Heck It was In well never mind the year but I was then secretary of state and court was being be-ing held In Sacramento Judge Wallace was on the bench and among those In the capital city during the session was Col Shatter and a number of his of Ilcers The colonel was accompanied by his daughter a very young bright and handsome miss One morning at the breakfast table In the Golden Eagle Hotel Justice Wallace Wal-lace said Miss Shatter I feel quite slighted Since you have been In Sacramento Sac-ramento you have not deigned to visit me Wont you come up in the morning morn-Ing and sit with us in bank My colleague col-league Judge Croker Is absent and you might as well occupy his seat Oh yes Ill come returned Miss Siiafter and the subject was dropped and I am sure Judge Wallace never dreamed that the invitation would be accepted About an hour afterward Miss Shatter Shat-ter accompanied by brae of the olllcers on her fathers staff came Into my office of-fice and said that she wanted to go to the Supreme court Would I tak < her With pleasure And away we went A young attorney was arguing a case when we entered the court lIe did not notice us as we quietly seated ourselves our-selves and went on with most brilliant eloquence Judge Wallace laid his hand on the arm of an empty chair and nodded to my companion to take it Shall I go up she asked of me Why certainly I responder would be discourteous spar Ito H I-to do so a lIe bench not a She heSIlItr Wallop wUtOa a little but as Judge ant n B regarded her with a smiling invitation and patted the chair pro voklngly she arose and firmly and with the grace of a queen walked up the aisle to the platform The Judges arose and gravely bowed Wallace stepped forward and extending his hand escorted es-corted her to the vacant seat and each Justice was presented in turn and shook the tiny hand of their dainty associate associ-ate Miss Shatter was quite equal to the occasion and bowing to the standing stand-Ing audience took her seat and let the case proceed That young attorney though lost his head and afterward lost the case Whether he wished to make nn Impression on the new associate asso-ciate or whether the strangeness of the proceedings rattled him I never learned but he got badly tied up In his peroration What did Judge Wallace do Why at dinner that evening he conferred with the new Judge and Insisted upon her occupying a scat on the bench next day After dinner he asked me to take a walk with him Beck said he if you bring that girl Into court in the morning Ill have proceedings Instituted Institu-ted to declare your position vacant |