Show Those Awful Telegrams What Is it Mamie Its a boy mum with a telegraft A telegram Oh ask him If James i Is killed He says he doesnt know mum Ask him what he does know about It lIe says all he knows about it Is that its marked collect and he wants his money Oh dear Oh dear What shall I do Here Mamie heres the purse Pay him Pay him whatever he asks Oh my poor James I Just knew something some-thing would happen to him before he went away this morning Will they bring him home In an ambulance Ma mie I mieI spose so mum Maybe youd better bet-ter read the telegraft I cant I cant Oh It nerves me right for not kissing him three times when he left And weve been married such a short time too Why dont you open the telegraft mum Well I suppose I must but oh I cant tell you how I dread It Heads telegram Will bring friend home to dinner JAMES The heartless bealltlNew York Journal |