Show MRS PERKINSS RECORD Robbed One Mail and Forged An others Name Minneapolis Aug 20 Assistant County Attorney Peterson admitted today to-day that the evidence against Mrs Perkins Per-kins In the Hawkins murder case was finis far entirely circumstantial and that she would not have been arrested yet If It had not been for positive Knowledge of her previous criminal ca leer In Minneapolis The police had before the first accidental flies investigated inves-tigated two shady transactions In the first a wellknown citizen spent a night with Mrs Perkins only to find in the morning that his pockets had been ri lied of valuables The police after investigation In-vestigation forced Mis Perkins to restore re-store them In the second case a wellknown man r about town had become Involved with the two women Several checks with his signature forged turned up at the g bunk He was not In u position to dispute I dis-pute the signature andthey were paid b The State bellqvcs that Mrs Hawkins was slowly being poisoned and that jT the fire was thought of to conceal evidence evi-dence of It |