Show ARMENIANS TERRORIZED Have Appealed to the Powers for Protection Constantinople Aug 27 Advices received re-ceived hole trom lOizlnham say that gieat terror prevaIls among the Armenians Arme-nians there owing to the attitude of the Tuiklbh authorities The latter Inconsequence In-consequence of an attack which was re cuntly made by brigands on a Turkish colonel during which a number of his mon were killed are believed to be tu king steps which will have most seilous consequences Time Armenians are accused ac-cused of being the authors of the attack on the colonel and it Is alleged that a large foico of Turkish troops has been retaliating by attacking the villages and monasteries of the vicinity and engaging en-gaging in other acts of violence The Armenians feaung a recurrence of the Satisoun outrage have appealed to the embassudors of the powers at Constan tlnoplu for piotectlon IF ANNEXAJION FAILS Alleged Scheme Enthrone the Hawaiian Ha-waiian Princess London Aug 25A dispatch to the Standard from Berlin says the Vossl echo Zeltung hears from Honolulu that should America decline the request of the deputation to Washington to an next the Islands the Hawallans will beg England with Americas assistance assist-ance to enthrone Pilncess Kalulanl Major Wodehousu the exMlnlster of Great Britain to Hawaii It Is added has gone to America to uvocato this plan New York Aug 25Maj Wodehouso was In New York last week and sailed for l England on Saturday on board the Ktrurla So far as Is known ho had not paid II Visit to Washington while In this country He expressed an opinion opin-ion to an Interviewer In New York that the present Government in Hawaii could itot emjure and that the Princess would be placed upon the throne Mr A S Cleghorn the lather of the Princess Prin-cess was also In New York on his way to England J |