Show Black Hawks Elect Officers I I Tho Utah County Veterans ot the Black ffiitvtTrir2JIl8t Friday morning elected elect-ed a now ex < cutlvVTJOu1mlK aJllinBr tinsluoBs meeting J Weswoof I or Sprlrgvllle was chosen chairman flue otlior number aro as follows LulD W Brown and Wm Bon Jr Alplnn Henry Moyle and SW Brown Cedar FortJohn Hnklni1 Goihen Hina Japarsoa Sulom Isiao R PriceS Price-S + ut quinW P Cnslung Piijsoii Jaiuca S ferry and W S runner Spanish Fork and Lake Shorcl n 1C Ferguson M B Gay nud WJ homes ProvotJobert Farrar nUll M S Pratt Sprlnsvlllo W Hurmet and Edwin Ed-win Lee Pleasant GrovoH W Drlgga Ann Robert Coblov Am rlcan Fork Alva Green nnd Robert Rob-ert E King Mr Wtstwnod was unable to give any Information lu regard to next yearn reunion as no arrnngeinanto had jot been made |