Show LIKE A CHARNAL HOUSE Mr Woodruff Describes the Situation at Tamatavc London Aug 24 Ethelbert 0 Wood lord recently arrived from Madagas c I car and who assisted Mrs John L Wailer wife of United States Consul WaIler out of Madagascar after her husband had lieen sentenced by a French courtmartial to Imprisonment for twenty years has been intervIewed here upon the subject of war In Madagascar Mada-gascar He said My month at Ta matave was almost like a months stay In a charnel house Many funerals wtrtf held nightly The Hovas are confident con-fident that the French will not reach the capital There Is a strong anti foreign feeling In Madagascar Tho prime minister spoke to me denouncing tho American and British governments and the Injustice und Illtreatment that the natives had received at the hands nf the whites 4 |