Show Black lUwk War Veterans Veterans of Utuho famous Black Hawk war are holding a reunion at 8nuBh Fork Tho veterans were the nillltlu ooys of this Territory who In 183507 went to protect settlements In Southern Utah against the raldu tlf tho rectshiu warriors The Black Hawk war woe tho nioal devastating oil the Indian wars of Utah It resulted In the death of about seventy settler and cost the Territory 1GOO000 Utah citizens foncht that war Uiemslres nnd bore Its entire bur deh l financially When the war was first oejuu appeal was iniuln to Fort Douglas fur and but the olHiit > rd answered mat their only duty watt to proem the over land mnilH and tho nuttier would hare to take tare of UmuiHelvei Well tint seniors did take carl of themsrlveH and the v6torann who are today couiiupuiointlug the war by a reunion re-union at Spmilsli Folk are among thoae who Kuvdtuoir services without anon oration for the protvcilou of Uiuh pin users Of course Utah feels proud of them Tliiy are her VBtcruut and their unselfish dovotlou to the eausj of civi lization makes their deeds more haloed today They are entitled to remunera than for what they did und the Territory should have been paid for the losses it 1 unstained hot the fnct that thus lock of I rcTenuedld tint stand In Mic I I way rf the i pcrformancp such military duty as the vetprnnn rendered makes n glorious pace In Utahs history It Is wpll to cninm moratfl tho put rlotlo services rendered dnrlni tllP Blnckllnwk war It la well for thus lays of tlioso day to hold their reunion twiny f hey ought to have a complete ortranlzivlnn embracing nrt only the veteran Indian fkhlprs of this county but tho veterans of all the conntlos whose pltlznns participated In the prn ortlnn of Utah homno Uah Is rich In htstorleal nvontfl wit en in oilier a Utoq would bi pprpoltmt by thorough r antzntlon Vo 1iiow of nothing that would odd morn dignity to ttiha plt leer prlvntlona than a comploto orsnn ziton of the vntpnins of our Indlin vnr Such unplpilpt could ho of anrvlcp It social eutPitalnmsnts 811nI us the Minion now being 11111 and they would prvo collect valnntilo data of Utah rcmnUihlo histnrv now nlinoit forunt ten from lack of dlspuwlon Ar and the ampUrp + i of the veterans would IIP related relat-ed not only tho tales of the Indian wars nit thPrcfrpRtilng rpcollecllons of Utah pioneer history The children would hereby better Irani and moro fully rpnlzH what it coot to reticent Ulnn from tho wilderness Provo Ehqnlror |