Show Rio Qfande Western R R i Pullman Sir nrn und Buffet Cara on nil Through Trains Time Table No 24 In effect March 31 1895 IV eat Hound Stations East Bound i Mind I Pan Pa s I Mixed 3E D sD S E ttnopm Salt Lake BMnm M2 pm tnnm prom SI am SMm ttlRam 881 rm anrlnevilla A gem SMrtpm diSAam 64IpmSp nlshForkRl7nm 320 um eMam 8M pm Py eon 80 > nm 212 TIm scam 8Mpm Kar ka 1I42am IMl1m iOMnm 8flnp n Mammoth 632 nm 1245pm II its am BitOpm Silver gl5nm 12i30pm F A W DMron Cn Pan ana Ticket Agent D a PODOI Of n MIr B H OABCOCK Traffic Mgr B hit IRk City E R IIOKT Agent Spanish Fork xehe Union Pacific System THK THROUGH CAB LINK LOCAL TIME CARD In offset June 23 1895 South Bound North Bound Leave STATIONS Arrive 716am Salt Lake City 43nm i S4tam Sandy 4nr > pm S15am Irhl Junction 3snnm l2ftam American Fork sOpm 832 n Pleasant Drove 313pm 8Ham Provo Worn 914am upanlih Fork 2l2Drn iBiatam Pavi < nn 232pm 1035 m Nephl 124 Dtn irKam Arrive I J I Leave l2Bpm i JH B ArrIveI Juab JLeave ll2Sam Leave 1 Arrive ISinOom t06pm Oails B2Snn I 7IOpm Arrive I Mlltord I Leave 53ham 7Mpm Leave Arrive BMRam 9 40pm Frlnco 400am Trains aouth of Juab run daily except Sunday Through Pullman Palace Sleepers to Chicago without chance Improved Tours Sleeper Free reclining chair cars Kleirantdav coaches The only let operating Dining car service TIB inORTXST AND FASTEST LINE TO ALL rolMTI EAsT D E BURLEY On Agent Passenger Dept pity Ticket Office 101 Main St Salt Lake City yrK LAWSON Agent Spanish ForkS Fork-S II H CLAnK OLivin w MINK E ELiEnr AtiDEnsoM JOHN w DOANE EUKDIUCK n CoNDznT Receivers K L LOMAX Otn Pass and Ticket Agent E DICKINSON Oen Mgr Omaha Nebraska Labor Day Excursion For the nbovn mimed event to be given under tho auspices ct the Utah Board 01 LAbor nt SiUaic Bi > ncTir > n Mondnv SiTrtrSMffTie RIo Ornndi Wo teru jil ninke p TRIP of 105 from Spnnlsh Fork for the round trip Train loaves this city at 817 P m returning leaves Salt nlr beech 1015 p m National Irristion Oonflross For the above named event to bo hMd at Albuquerque N M on Sept 1621 ha Union Pacific will wako a rate 01 3205 for the round trip from Sp inlsb FOlk Selling dates Sept lath and Hb tickets to carry transit limit of four lays in each direction with final limit If October 10th 1S05 Read the Ad stead tho ad hooded Freo Conroo by Mall l by the Jupltal Ity Commercial I college It la n Hue ocrr Apply for it JTJLwJA JEX SONS f DBiLEIls Lumber Lath Doors sash etc > < Ir Manufacturers of the Best Broom on the Marliet All kinds of Produce handled in its Season Deseret Gold Mine I Milling So d OF r SF AlJISE3 FOax INCOnPOIt TED UNDm TilE LAW3 OF DT1I1 Capital Stock 500000 With 500000 Shares arc offering for sal < 100000 Shares ot MErsrINaa STOGE OI the said Company at 25 CENTS PER SHAR8J FAR VALUE 100 This Property is i LDBiitoA nnd Siliiatcil in file GOLD MOUNTAIN MINING DISTRIO J Pn to Connly Ulah There Is a lVlountain of Free Milling Gol Ore Wate r and Timber In Abniin JCssays 1tvera x1500 Per Ton DlH ons Brigham D Darker Pros John Clirhtinnsen V Pies and 1 Trc I J Stewart lliehfmld j Utah I O H Parks North Ut Henry Itosely Secretary For Particulars Addroes BKSRSET JUltB MINE tf MILL in DH 101 I P 071 Spanish Fork Utah s Are You A DE LOOR8 TALL T-ALL RIGHT WILL TELL YOU MORE NEXT WEEK t Are You 8 PD 8DICAN J So See you later then oo > n r f I I GREAT VALUE WEEKLY KEWS FOIL OF THE WOULD LITTLE MONEY FOR A TUIFIiR The N Y WEEKLY TRIBUNE o twpntjpfie journal Is the loading Republljau family pupor Is NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER and ill the United States It ti CIVil tbegfuert i of the United States It gives the evonts of foreign lauda in a nlt hell AOWCI1IrUllAL department has no superior In his country 1u MAl i i UKPOUTS aro eco nlzAl1 authority Separato departments for fnK Nis i r CtnCLEOUR YOUNG FOLKS nud SCIENCE AND MECIUNICS Its Hou i SOCIETY columna cimmaud the admiration ot wtves and daughters Its tr > poitical news editorials and discussions art comprobonetve brilliant ant haustive A SPECIAL SOhTlUCT enables us to offer thin fipleudld journal and ls il c HERALD for r One year for only 225 5 Cuoh In Kdvancc I Tim regular Eubscriptlon for the two papers le J300 SUBSOniPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIE Addtees all orders to + THE HERALD Spanish FOlk Utah I jot I Wrllo your acute nnd address on a postal card send It to Gso W 4r t Room 2 Tribune UulMlng New York Qlty pad sample copy of THE SEW Tt WEEKLY TrmuNE will be mailed you < I s r > > |