Show L LOCAL BREVITIES SIjTOrjrniitiylrlJulidiiu 10x2 addition to lila residence N bo Young MenB Coop Isbuildln t a jnrw uranery at the rear or the store perirteeB will bll resumed in the Prenhyterian chapel next Sunday Th I I jmhlio Is cordially Invited ThoDUUllc grliools upened Monday with u Bond attendance In ail departments depart-ments for this time uf year The rfiiti tntlon uliows that Spanif Fork precinct will poll about 110 J Totes nt the coming election Monday Is Labor Day and there tb 1 no Indication at present but that the laboring man will labor us usual I A number from hero wont un the K of P excursion u Castilla Saturday Satur-day evenluK They report a large Futile T A marriage Kuonsc t was issued las I Friday to Mr Gus Chhso of Sprln j r7llr and lss Emma Taylor or Span lib Fork aged 20 year rospeotlveiy i The drama Hugi IB soon tu bo pu i upon the stage by local talent ir 1 I Foot Ik asalstluK tile jount ytople and they arc actively prvpuiiubr for thc preneutatiuu The merryROround people liavo removed re-moved to ijayson They did a noon business here Malcolm Hughf furnlstieU transportation for the outfit Paysons street sprinkler which I Bpilnlcii 1orR people burrowed last week was knocked nut after ate J rounds because there wasnt slater i available to put la it Fidertl Judlll Uilduer Alien 1 Crclger and iliss I Emerson a stciiotiru plier were hi the Uujrack liottl Jaol Jbrlday taking itstiuiony In regard lo the Indian troubles ot the olden time A tiachero meeting wax held in theRe the-Re Kchool house Friday and Sacur day under tho direction of Priucipa UCM Iho work for the ensuing school year wat planned and olhe Ilulnc611 of an educational nature trcin4ctcd Four of Bpantali Forks delegation 01 the preced to Bait Lake Wedn da to take u turn at the work of bavin the country Ihey were MesJdtut J Mellor and Finch and Mes = r Stud and Mortenson Mr borey want tu the scene action on Monday to help Inapt the commit ovcnts The Pajsou Second word choir gave the cantata Queen Esther at the II Opera liouse to a small auoiince Salt urday evening The reuoitliin wa good and deserved u better bouteThe onoir wa unfortuuato in vlnltlu Spanish Fork nt a time when the pec pie had been surfeited with euter jJlnwout MiPi A Tolford of Grand Junction Col Is expected here boon and would 1 like to meet tlllll1les of Spl1nlab Fork with u vlorr to organizing a local W 0I P U Mra Tolford Is ono of tho best lecturers uu subjects per 11QIU TO woniep tn every sphere p ot life In the West nnd It Is hoped that she will consent to mldrcHH 1 a pnb III meeting hro on the live topics of the day Mr and Mrs John D Jones of Son field Utah wore the guests of Mr and Airs II M Thomas u fow day tills weeiP Last Monday evening II num begot friends and neighbor nfiprmblcd And gave them a complete surprise A very enjoyable evening WAN spent by the merrymakers The home of Mr and Mrs E A Wilson was the SCPIKI of a plpa ant evening party on Friday it being tho ccuiori of tup birthday of the host ass The fuiluwlng friends wore urns = cnt Mr and Mrs Arrowsmlth Mr II B Pyno Mm E A Wilson Mr nd Mr Argyle All had an enjoyable enjoy-able I time Lord Uncile Toms Onhln last Iluirfdny evening was a fair rendition ot that drama as It fines now adays but as an entertainment it dldn1 mount to mule Thin got a large < house Th general opinion pocnrw to be that if tiny would cut out the drama and work their orchestra ful time theIr audiences wrtuld be better satisfied Tne almost universal opinion amonp I hpatro pcuert in tlun city Is 1 that Mr and Mrs Hlnlmrd Fonte are the beat isture who have ever appeared here riiclrplayaareof a high orderof merit and in their presentation shown the results of a llfolonir training and thi work of true artists Mr and Mrs Foote were at the Y M 0 Opera house on Wednesday and Thursday enlijjiii and tho e who mussed these elocutionary and histrionic treat hare fond for regret Late Tuesday aftprnnon as a Union Pacllo section foreman was coming down the track from Sprlngvllle IIP discovered a thirty foot steel rail on the track at a crossln above town A coupe of youths who were near at hand when asked In regard to what they knew of It Ftatpd that they found I It I In their way and to clear their path had swung one end around and aero11 the track This displays u thoughtlessness thought-lessness almost criminal The nwil train along was a s 4ul1nd that one rniljyjjuiflhiivc been sulllclent to h1 cut c-ut it in the ditch |