Show I 2 l I r q r f fp it p r s Y r u v 4 0 tn 1 4 f a J vi fimi t r rS m mi S tf 14 u 1 l S Sl l w wt i 0 A Af f K t by t f f yi r v i i I E i nm on J r feu This Parr i rn al rn of j in ti ne neIF 3 F ONE O E Is not a us slim as n a wand tho the IF fault cannot bo ho blamed on ones lingerie The Tho whole progress of ot un an development during tho the last lust decade might be epitomized ns as II tho the dim cilia diminution of ot the gather Not ot so 50 much as asa a R Inch lap of fabric anywhere Is III allowed to lo make a u fraction of ot Increased Re girth possible and ns lIS for or they are aro as os out of ot date as ns bustles 1 The Tho winter slater lingerie of ot the demo has consisted of ot three a silk combination garment n a 1 corset and nud anda n a pair of oC woven silk knickers petticoats as tR wo wn nil all know having holn been temporarily laid on ou and no corset cover corer I being befog 1 permitted t by hy fr the tho arbitrary person who ubO fits our frocks under the present pre ent As 5 the life slimmer s season l approaches how ever with sheer fabrics again to the theore fore ore oath and frocks and blouses en regie regle once more tho Ito corset cover ns as well as its II the petticoat U lu bound to return to Its own Tho combination lingerie garments which made their first appearance from a n tn twelve elvo I month or so o ago have taken feminine America by So great rent hate hag become 1 tho the demand for or these comfortable garments garment that now nil all tho January white sales offer corset cover corer und and drawer or corset coy cov cover CO coyer er cr and petticoat combinations for tor more than a t Very dainty combination then tion underwear Is I made of ot dimity simply trimmed around neck and arm holes with a n narrow edge of ot lace laco and a II ribbon run embroidery beading n wider beading also run with ribbon Join JoinIng joining Ing In the upper tipper nether garments Embroidery bending though more trou troublesome troublesome to set In than thon the lace laco fort sort mid nud somewhat moro more expensive o In he first cost costIs costle Is le always much more satisfactory In the end for Cor the tho flimsy lace IRce beading 1 Is usual usually usually ly Iy the first part of ot the chemise or corset cover cOler to t give ho way special strain always omen on this part of ot tho th o gar garment meat ment Though tho petticoat for Cor the nonce has been 1 discarded summery BUmmer cotton frocks rock will SOOn noon recall It to renewed popularity Indeed runny many of ot the clinging satin skirts of oC the tho winter when lifted littell revealed r dainty white petticoats with lace laco In co flounces These Theao petticoats were Invariably of ot tho the softest materials like mull or sheer batiste and lind tho the usual rop was omitted entire entirely ly Iy a n single delicate flounce of ot laco taco fall tall fallIng Ing mg In between 1 the silk ellk ankles and an the trailing gown The Tho finer grades of ot cm brol ery male mal exquisitely dainty petticoats and ore aro infinitely moro more satisfactory In wear than Inca laco model models Ih tho lace trimmed skirt In order to preserve Its It airy ODd and soft softness softness ness must be lie dry cleaned always rather nn lIn expensive process tho the embroidered ered cred petticoat may moy bo be 1 0 made fresh anti and dainty by br the economical method of ot soap and aud water These The o tine embroideries lu to showy open openwork openwork work worl elects on material are aro seen on some of the best hest Parisian petticoat and aud the drop beneath tho the flounce Is al ol ways ts nys of or material quite ns sheer and fine tine edged with a n frill of oC simpler II embroidery In a Il matching pattern It Is not necessary nry to buy bu n II very Cr wide wl o flouncing lug ing for Cor such ls The model Illus Illustrated Illustrated shows tots liow ow the tho embroidery rol er may tuny bo be I attached under one ono of ot a n group roup of oC tucks to n II strip of sheer lawn the tho deep flounce thus formed orme reaching to the knees where a n beading forms forma a n pret pretty pretty ty tT Tho elaborate lace lacee petticoat designed net for wear beneath 1 nn nD Easter wedding gown on of ot white satin skews shows alternating strips of ot hand embroidered handkerchief linen and very cry Ono tIno French Ir lace The embroidering of o such inch strips In Inthe Inthe inthe the simple yet beautiful design shown shon would woul make malo charming piazza needlework n for 0 next nest summer and when finished d the tho embroidered strips should bo he attached to tho lace Ince with n rolled and whipped edge Tit Tid Ih that forms the bottom Is Ls first gathered to n narrow entre deux or seaming the tho upper edge of oC thin this seam being 1 eln rolled and whipped to the lace All French hnud lingerie shown show this dainty method of ot applying gathered fabric to lace The Tho newest of ot tho the hip eliminating de do devices vices that nrc are now flooding the market marketis is which comes C to the knees hut hurt this spew Io w corset Is 19 really not as liS startling as os one cue might o Tho Timo sITu length Is only In the soft fabric the six elx bones bonca which form orm the only 01 stiffening I stopping a n few tew Inches below tho it line lillO The Tho fabric extends downward com corn completely completely covering the tho hips and thighs arid eight el ht short garters four our on eu n a side Ille hold hoM the garment fast falt to the stockings Death on ou silk hose as ns well ssell us os on ou hips Is III this new corset but once laced and strapped Into this supple lo armor tho the figure feels really more free ree and nud com corn comfortable comfortable than In the tho ordinary boned 1 corset co r ct Rubber tubber corsets Ire are also shown for or tho the promotion of ot slenderness Rubber gar garments or monts ments are supposed to prevent the Iho forma formation formation tion of ot adipose tissue and md tho rubber 1 or corset donned donnell over tho sheerest silk vest vent vestor cst or chemise really dOs does reduce r luco the waist and hip hIlI measurement But the rubber ruh 1 cor corset ot Is not comfortable It promotes profuse perspiration which Is IB not ab nh absorbed by thin the corset comet material and after several hours In n rubber her corset the tho ard ardent ent cot disciple of oC slenderness feels feel n bit like t a n stiff neck encased In a n cold compress Tho rubber corset moreover Is I any anything thing hilt hat beautiful for tor the robber Is of or the ugly III brown sort which the dentist tics ties over oer nn an mulcted afflicted tooth before tho the ull 1111 Ing In In n a 1 smart little corset cOrNet shop Just oft orr Fifth avenue a n pair roll of these brown rub rubb her bor b r corsets was displayed nattily nn em embellished embellished j with brown sill silk lacings nail ami on r brown ribbon rIll bon garters with dull rull gold trimmings s Most women however passed this Interesting lIn corset by for an au entrancing tag ing lo affair of ot pink silk covered with whit eye eyl eyelet eyelet let embroidery tho very cry latest Idlest French Idea In corset daintiness ook now is 18 considered almost too tai bulky bulk for tor tho the new figure lingerie Mull Jull Is tho ho thing or sheerest batiste 1 for Cor forthe Corthe forthe the chemise which Is worn under the cor lOr corset l set unless Indeed ono one may afford offord J delightful luxury of the Iho embroidered Ital Italian I ian iau silk vests which come In lovely plat pint nud and blue shades lire are soft ns os wisps ol of floss llosa The fhe woman who has hns to consider f expense will choose for or her chemise e this thin Japanese silk witch much In vogue vonc now for fortine forOne or f tine One lingerie This chemise will be he 1 e fitted to 0 the thc figure lIgure with daintily felled scams and will bo be 1 0 most mo t simply trimmed with an J edge clo e et und awl beading of ot lace laco ut at the tho top tOI To Toft j 1 ft It t may moy be attached tho ho full drawer pleated to a n shallow yoke Or corset 0 rill t cover corer and drawer of oC may bo be worn over ocr tho thin corset comet and only the little silken chemise underneath The host h t slender effect cnn can bo Iw achieved however by hy wearing the drawer dm attached to the chemise beneath the corset D f S CA ICES Make n a good puff paste pOlte in the th ordinary j 1 jWO way WO Roll Roil Into u sheet one t of oC an nn loch Inch thick und and cut the thc sheets int Into i discs about three and Inches la In diameter with a 11 plain cutter Roll tho 1120 4 discs out thin lay In them on a n board damp 1 them over with water nud thou then thickly t Ocr cover with currants with a t 1 chopped pool peel and sugar gather up the th edges anti press preM s lint ilia with the tho palm or orthe a athe f the hand It should bo ho n a round cake toll Koll It slightly with fUh your rolling pin pinI keeping I 1 It ns nil round as possible Notch ol tl the cakes with n a blunt lunt 1 knife dust with powdered sugar and bake In u a moderate oven o cn JL 1 4 |