Show r rI j 1 I I I I I I I I I L J 1 Mrs A P Bigelow will entertain I Iho members of the bridge club and their husbands on Thursday oVon oon ing The Tho Past Chiefs society clety will meet Wednesday Wo afternoon at the homo home of oC Mrs Hill Hili 23 street Bernice Bornico R Kohn daughter of ot Mr Mi and Mrs Mi Ils s A L Kohn left lert I Thursday for Salt Lako City to take a special course In languages and music at tho the St Marys academy Tho frienda of or Mrs Jennie Jenne Shields formerly of Ogden may mar be bo Interested to know that she Is now tho the wife of E W Y a n promising young youn business man of Salt Lake Olty Olt Mra Mrs I entered the tho L D S hos hospital hospital pital training school for nurses three o years ago and graduated with honors i I last April and has since been practicing I II I in Salt Lako Lake City I I Mr tIr and Mrs J R Hellenthal of or orI I Juneau Alaska are aro In the tho city visit J I j tint tine at nt the tho homo home of B E A Linsley I II I I I Sumner Warner Varner and wife have re ro returned reI I turned from Irom Carlm Carlin I Mrs A L Fryer formerly of or Og Ogden OgI l I I den but now n it resident of or Seattle Is I in tho the city on a visit to old I and Is tho the guest of Mr and Mrs A W McGaw McCaw at street I I Mm Mrs H M Rowe visited part of or the week In Ia Salt Lake City with friends I Mrs George West of f Portland Ore Oregon Oregon j gon visited Ogden friends during luring the i week I i I Mrs A R B was tho the guest of Mr and Mrs M Id C Phillips In Salt SaltI i I Lake City this week I Mr Ir and Mrs Fred Prod Root of Denver I are aro spending a few tow days dars In Ogden with mth relatives and friends 1 John R B Austin of Salt Lako City I his father Councilman J 3 W WI Austin this week I I I I Mr and Mrs J T spent I part of the week In Salt Lake Lako City visiting Mra Mr mother I j Mrs Dr Mathers lathers of or Mountain MountainHome Homo Home Idaho Is 16 the guest of or Mr and j I Mrs W V A Robertson at 24 Twenty first street I i I The Tho Amalgamated Sugar SUg company com p an anI I gave glive a dancing party on Wednesday evening at tho the Congress Dancing aca academy academy demy In commemoration of tho the close of tWo the season I I A large largo number of Ogden Ogdon people I II I will go to Salt Lake City on Monday evening to attend the Inaugural ball which will bo given glen at the tho Odeon i Miss Mias Frances Joyce and Miss Kath Fitzgerald will leave Goon coon for J Washington D C to attend tho the in inaugural inaugural Inaugural augural ceremonies While there thero they will bo ho the guests of ot Mr and Mrs i George P McCabe j Miss Vera Vora Osborne and Miss Fran Frant t I COB ces Huffman entertained the memo mem I hers of or tho the club on Friday evening at atthe tho Methodist church Tho The affair was chaperoned by Mrs Mra Plot Flet Fletcher Fietcher cher chor and Mrs Huffman I Dr and Mrs Edward I Rich in a aletter aletter aletter letter to Ogden friends announce I that they are stopping sloppIng at nt tho the Haleiwa hotel Hawaiian islands and 0 ore are having a 0 delightful time Dr and nod I Mrs Ezra Ezro C Rich are aro on an European I I trip and at nt present pre In Vienna I Mr and Mrs IrB C E Bennett have loft for Cor Missouri and Kansas whore they will visit relatives for a row few ow weeks I i I t At the Weber academy Wednesday I z l evening a reception was hold by b the tho thet t I high counsel and auxiliary organizations C of tho the Weber stake in honor of D Ray Rn who leaves In a it few I t days das to take tako charge of the Liverpool of ot tho the Saints church i During tho the evening a n program or orI I music and addresses was given after which a danco dance was as enjoyed In the tho au auditorium auditorium hall haJJ Light refreshments wore served The Tho ladles indies of or the Episcopal church churchwill churchwill will give ghe a social Thursday evening at the parish house corner of Grant and street A fine fino pro program program program gram of vocal and Instrumental music will be rendered also aIM other pleasing numbers Refreshments will bo be sen served ed cd and a pleasant evening Is anticipated ed el Special invitation Is extended to tho the young people O 0 W C TO R M C A ATho ATho AThe Tho The Ogden Club to tho the Railway hallway Mail Clerks Association a anew anew anew new social club organized by h the Uie wives of the mall mail clerks gave a de delightful delightful reception Thursday evening at the homo home of or Mrs D M r Morrison 2223 22 8 Grant avenue About members were present The evening was pleasantly spent In games and music An Interesting ad advertising contest resulted In Mr Pettibone receiving a n prize Excellent Instrumental solos wore played by br Mrs and Mrs Marchant Merchant and Mrs Mra charmingly sang I two vocal solos soloa after which light ro re refreshments served by tho the hostess I I PAST GUARDIAN NEIGHBORS CLUB P G N C of Ogden Ogdon Circle 81 Women of oC Woodcraft met at nt the tho resi rosl residence lance dence of Martha A Morris Thursday afternoon January fourteenth After the tho regular business of or the tho mooting booting a few games of cards carda wore participated In by br tho the following neigh neighbors bars bors Baker Bak r Morris Light Adams Baumeister Alden Collins Dora Dorn and Garner Grunor prizes being won by h Neighbors Baker and Collins A dainty lunch was served toredA A theater party was the tho concluding feature of the tho pleasant evening planned by tho the hostess BIRTHDAY CLUB Tho The Neighborhood Birthday club i met Monday with Mrs Chris Poulson I Int ni nt her home homo on north Washington Many pretty prett gifts were received and a pleasant social time was spent after which lunch was waR served sered Among the tho guests were Mrs String ham Mrs Hall Mrs GIbbs Mrs Holt Mrs Hewes Mrs Cunningham Mrs Snyder and Mrs Garner Garnor OFFICIAL VISIT Officers O of Rebekah State Assembly Queen City CIt Rebekah Lodge Xo No 4 1 Friday evening Sister Wat Vat Watkins kins president of or the assembly ad advised Used the members member on tho the conditions of Rebekah branch In Utah and tho the Interest taken in the tho good work of o Odd Fellowship After ACter other members addressed tho the members mom bels all nil Invited to the din Un dinIng lag Ing In room where a banquet prepared preparedly l ly Iy y the committee was awaiting them lh m A very cr pretty homo home wedding took tool Iaco Thursday opening evening at the homo home I of Mr Ir and Mrs Irs A when I their daughter dau Katherine Katharine was mar nort to Albert F Trask of Evanston I IW Wyo W o The beautiful ring ceremony was used Rov Rev G W V of o tho the First Methodist Episcopal church per performing forming f the ceremony After Artor a boun bonn bountiful bountiful repast the tho immediate relatives who ero present sent tho the happy couple c uple away to Evanston Wyo whore the husband has bas prepared a home to which he lie will wiil take talce his bride Mr SIr Trask who formerly lived hero lero iero is Iii i now a passenger fireman on tho the Union and deservedly popular with his hla follow and his em cm employers m as well While the tho many man friends of tho the bride regret that she Is Isto Isto Isto to leavo Ogden they thoy rejoice In her Tho The marriage of o John Pope of Ver Vernal Ital nal and Mrs S E Lyon Lon of this city was solemnized Sunday at the home of or the brides mother Mrs Wallace I at nt Bountiful Mr tr Pope Popo Is an qi tl attorney and has been engaged In the Ule practice of or his profession at a Vernal Vornal for lor some somo time His bride has been Identified as manager of oC the Loader Lender Millinery Co for several years past and find has a host of oC friends who will wish her success and happiness The Tho couple spent their honeymoon hi lit Salt Lake City and will take an m extensive trip In the near future ELLER Tho The marriage of Miss Birdie A ASmith ASmith Smith of or Chicago and m Herman Thul Thui mueller of oC Butte Butto Mont took toole place on Wednesday afternoon at the tho home of o Mr Mi and Mrs P E Smith The Tho mar m r riago ceremony was read road bj by h Rev Ro H II HD HD D ID Zimmerman and was witnessed bv bY 1 only a fow few friends and und relatives The fhi bride was attended by br Miss Birdie Sewell ewell of Ogden and anel John T Spaniel of Superior Wis IB was host bost man After visiting In Salt Lake City nal duthorn Utah for a n few weeks Mr Air end cm Mrs will bo be at homo hom homola hon la lu Butte CONCERT AND BALL BALLOne BALLI BALLOne BALLOne One of the tho social events of the com corn coming comIng ing week will bo he the tho grand concert and ball to be given under the lie ces of the Y M r M 11 I A of the thc Third Ward Vard Wednesday evening January 29 The following program will bo be ren ten rendered rendered tendered dered In tho the ward mooting meeting house com coin commencing at S 8 p m in I Quartet Selected Klump Purdy purd Solo S D Bradford Solo Selected Miss Bessie Blair Piano Solo Selected Miss Nemo Nellie Bluth Baritone Solo Parted Mr D Solo Selected Mrs Fred G Clark Tenor Solo Selected Orson Griffin Solo Selected ted Miss Ruby Geddes Solo Selected Miss Loreno Lorene Farley Fancy Baritone Solo SoloA A Dream Bart Bartlott lott lett Mr D Instrumental Duet Selected and Jacobson At the tho conclusion of or the concert dancing will be bo enjoyed f OGDEN CIRCLE CI At a regular meeting held In tho the Knights of P Pythias thias hall hail Tuesday even oven evening evenIng ing Past Guardian Neighbor Alice Col Collins Collins Collins lins Installed the following officers of ot Ogden Circle Women omen of Wood Woodcraft Woodcraft craft for the tho ensuing term I I I Past Guardian Neighbor Lulu Gar Oar Garner I Inor nor ner Guardian Neighbor Martha Maitha A AMorris AMorris i Morris Adviser Virginia Myers Ma Magician Magician Addle Clerk Mario Crites banker Minnie J atten attendant attendant dant Susie Alden inside sentinel Louise J Wagner outside sentinel Eliza Bromer Manager lanager for or eighteen months J J Brummitt C of G 0 Susie Griffin musician Mattie L Smith After the Installation ceremonies c all aU repaired to the dining room where a delicious lunch was served by b tho the officers of the tho circle circleD D OF H INSTALLATION On Thursday evening Ogden Lodge No 1 Degree of or Honor mot met and the following officers were installed by Grand Chief of Honor assisted by b Grand Deputy Alice Bowen P C of H IL Estella Becraft C of oC oCH H Edith Prout L I of H Mrs Hughes C of C Mattie Grey Groy record recorder er or L 1 Jennie Prout financier Janette Hill receiver Jemima Furniss usher Bernice BemIre Williams watch Susie Sims After the Installation ceremonies members and guests partook of a sumptuous banquet the guests yoUng voting Ogden lodge No 1 royal roal entertainers TOLSTOI CIRCLE Tho The Tolstoi circle hold held a most prof profitable profItable profitable meeting at al tho the homo home of Mrs F FH FH FH H King on Jefferson avenue Tuesday afternoon The TIme mooting was vas called to order by tho the president Mrs Clancey and the roll call was answered by 1 quotations from Browning The TIme nun min minutes utes of the he previous meeting wore read by br the secretary and approved Tho The subject for the afternoon was Robert Browning Mrs Rang gave an interesting poem Salesmanship by br Selby Selb Davis DaIs which was followed by a carefully prepared biography of I r Robert Browning by b Mrs Irs C A Star Starr Starratt raU Mrs Newcomb read road a avery ery beautiful poem entitled Lary Lat Courtship by b Elizabeth Barrett Browning Timely topics was wall led by b Mrs Clancey Clan coy after which a n lively dis dig discussion discussion followed The social hour was wa most pleasantly spent the hostess serving dainty dahll re reo refreshments assisted db by her charming channing daughter Nellie Neme The dining room was nan bright with Vo Japanese decorations The Tue circle adjourned to meet mee in wp Mrs lr on olIT n street J BIRTHDAY PARTY One of the enjoyable events of or the Ule week was a sin surprise prise ce party given glen Jan January January Jannary uary nary 12 1 by tho ho Ladies Lodies Auxiliary of oC tho the thoU thoU U S W V V and their friends for Mrs A Singleton at tho the home of her daugh daughter tel ter Mrs Irs J H Knight Bernard Dernard street the time occasion being Mrs Single Singletons Singletons Singletons tons sixth birthday Cards CanIs and music wore were the features of the thc evenings entertainment after which supper was W S served Those present were Mr and Mrs Irs W wr G Hampton Mr and Mrs JUrs G 01 Ol Olson son on Mr and Mrs A N Walters Valters Mr and Mrs J 1 Walters Mr and Mrs L Housley Housle Mr and Mrs C Mr Ir Irand and Mrs E B Mr and Mrs H White Mr and Mrs H Fl Kissel Mrs Hanson Hansen Mr N Reynolds Re C Mauzel Jerry Jerr Sulivan AT KENSINGTON r Mrs S P Woodmansee Yoo entertained at her cosy home street at a delightful Kensington Thursday afternoon An elegant din lEn dinner lEnnor nor ner was served to tho the Invited guests They included Mrs John Farr Mrs G W V Vogal Mrs F F Dalton Dallon Mrs Joseph Flygare FIgare Mrs S S Smith Mrs Edward Browning Mrs Irs Ai j Keer and Mrs Mis Douglass Watson The home of Mr Mi and Mrs H H Spencer on an street was the tho the scene of one of the largest and most moat brilliant social affairs of ho sea season son Wednesday evening when their laughter daughter Mary became the lie bride of Alexander Ale x ander W Walker The fhe decorations for the occasion were on an elaborate scale the color scheme being white and green Those In tho the dining room especially ar artistic artistic and effective e From the chande chandelier Her lier to the corners cornels of the room ropes lopes of oC evergreen with white tulle festoons and studded with green Incandescent lights were wore extended A magnificent boquet of white carnations upon a center piece of point lace loco occupied the center of tho the brides table and smilax radiated from this to tho the corners Smilax was also festooned from the chandelier to tho the corners of the table where O were fastened with bows of tulle At each end of the table ln lo was a silver sliver candelabra In which gr en cn candles ferns Cerns palms and potted plants were used in iii tho the parlors with pretty tty effect Promptly at to t the tho sweet strains of wed wedding wedding wedding ding march played by b the orchestra the bridal party Darty part took their theil places be beneath beneath beneath neath a bower of ferns fern and smilax where whore Rex Rev P M iI perform performed cd ed tho the simple but Impressive ring cere core ceremony ceremony mony The who was given gIe away awa by b her hor father was w as attended by Miss Mies Nell iNell ell Tackett as maid of honor and Miss Frances Joyce Joco as brides bridesmaid bridesmaid bridesmaid maid while Bernard Spencer brother of the tho bride was best man The bride was beautiful In an exquisite gown of lace a work of art tho the material of oC which was made mallo of Bruges silk braid by tho the brides mother In her ber hair was an aigrette of or white whito and gold and she carried a n shower boquet of brides roses rosos Miss Tackett was nas gowned In a dainty pale blue messaline with gold trimmings and carried pink and white roses rosos while Miss Joyce wore a gown sown of pale I blue and white silk scarling a white aigrette In her hor hair and carried pink roses When the bride tossed her hor boquet to tho the eager bachelor girls Miss Kittle Kittic Fitzgerald was fortunate fortunato in catching It About guests called during the evening to extend congratulations and best wishes and were wore received by b Mrs Spencer Spencor assisted by b Mrs Irs Archie Bigelow Mrs George GC Matson Mrs Hume Humo Mrs Malone Mrs Bell and Mrs Hanson Hnnson and Miss Walker Volker sisters of tho the groom who directed them up upstairs upstairs upstairs stairs where they tho viewed the wedding presents |