Show I i MANUFACTURERS FAVOR A LARGER MERCHANT MARINE Chicago Jan 23 The Illinois Man llan Manufacturers association has gone gono on ou record In favor faor of the passage by br congress of or legislation now no pending for the development of a larger mer mel merchant merchant chant marine At luncheon last night Congressman Con ressman James Tames T r McCleary or of Minnesota uttered the sentiment of or orthe the meeting in the following epigram When It comes to a question of us usand usand usand and the other othor fellows f wo we arc all for forus forus us When our fleet noet rounded d the Straits of oC Magellan ho declared every Am American American heart hearl boat beat proudly but bul our pride was sobered by b the fact that with our sixteen battleships we had but eight merchant vessels In contrast Such a spectacle has never nevol before been presented by b any an nation John Barrett director general of the International Bureau Hureau of American Republics also allo spoke I Serious conditions said he hc are aro i facing American prestige and trade I abroad ahmad I refer particularly to South I America and the tide Orient Immediate i action must mURt be taken Otherwise the I results will be disastrous Shame on us for Cor such a situation t nian ca f manufacture man 1 i it fr pr dv der er h ing a ht I and nd can provide a market for Cor nearly I everything ef she has hag to sell J Shame on em us is again I 1 say sa for Iwonder I 1 Iwonder wonder at IL Europe has lias over oer a doz dos dozen dosen en cn 5 J fast f ot mail passenger er nail and a 1111 express ss steamship lines running to South America and we wo the proud and powerful United States hae none no not even een a tug big line IIno that would bo be boa boi a credit to the Chicago o river I Endurance of Sperm Whale Whaler The sperm whala can stay sta under wa water water water ter for Cor 20 minutes o |