Show Delicious Satisfying T TAMALES Served Sorted Piping Hot At our Fountain 15 cents the service We Ye have all kinds of stamps I a 0 1 P A R MciNTYRE 2421 Wash Ave Both phones I 1 ts Sight Ig hr testing 0 IF YOU HAVE ANY Trouble with your our eyes difficulty in seeing distinctly or reading aching tired eyes If you JOu suffer POOR P o OR from the tho child chillI headache cannot see Gec If IC well at school or If It EYES tho rho childs eyes eos soon become tired call coIl calland r and have hao thorn thom ex ox examined T MADE 1 most care carefully carefully fully tully hero FIGHT T NO CHARGE FOR EXAMINATION WE HAVE ALL THE Appliances 5 for tor care careful careful ful fail examinations All AU Allwork work la 18 guaranteed satisfactory J S LEWIS CO Jewelers and Opticians optician ons s j s I 9 r I an 11 3 I Q IZZI II I II a D II III n I 2 STORES WRIGHTS TS 2 STORES I Ie I Cheaper e l ef Prices IriCe 0 I a and EI Expert M l o t For the next few days we will offer English Tailor and Broadcloths for La dies Tailored Suits at considerably cheapened prices paces and at the same time Mr our ladies Indies tailor will make to order ladies tailored suits stets and guarantee that the fit and and workmanship will be he first class at nt prices which ch are arc considerably less than his regular charge The reduction on will be as follows I for 2 50 Su t for for il 3 0 Su for or for t gs 1150 50 r for 8 1 b gs 0 I 3 30 50 0 g s for 2 22 for 1 78 for for At the same time we wo will otTer offer linings to be used in making suits sorts of of this thia material Begu Regu lar for 69 a yard yardA I i Next NeI lJ t e ll Em fOn ery eryA S ll A thousand women are nrc waiting for Wrights Vl guts Embroidery Sale Salle and next nett Tuesday morning we vve expect a large crowd of enthusiastic enthus buyers We Yc know they the will be he enthusiastic because the thc girls who have this stock in charge and who are arc good judges of merchandise in this line say that the patterns arc are handsome and goods finer and prices cheaper than any f l sale we have hud had previously Our windows tell a wonderful story Q Q J The e W White n o e S Salle l e d S a 0 tl I I Today we wc are arc taking from the window the tho muslin undergarments which Men were dis dig displayed played there and which arc are on sale now As we slated stated before these goods are re made under the supervision of the National Consumers League which League insures cleanliness and sanitary conditions of o the rooms in which tile the they are arc made The patterns of lace and embroidery by y us for these goods b as are arc also the muslins so that Wrights Muslin Underwear has lias an exclusiveness of design b which is pleas pleasing pleasing pleasing ing to discriminating buyers J The e S Shoe Oe Sl e i Crowds Crowd still come to our shoe sale sae and although we have ha said little of this sale sate in print it has been widely advertised by hr those who have attended We T e still offer oller Ladies Shoes values worth up to for Mens Shoes in values alucs worth up to at A Advance Vl S Salle l e By W Wash lS St StIn 0 In the windows of our clothing store are arc shown the new nc Wash Suits for boys In order to introduce them early we make the following price reductions Suits for 48 Suits for I I Suits for 7 79 Suits for D v II o tile II o II v i t 1 r i UNITED t a DENTAL y CO j jj j Incorporated J I I r L Ls S O st s w Ogden Ogden Utah I i I 1 DO YOU WORK I iI i ij i p I j i I iI I WE KNOW YOU DO AND ALSO THAT DURING THESE HARD TIMES YOU CANT AFFORD 1 TO PAY FANCY PRICES FOR YOUR WORK BUT CAN YOU AFFORD TO NEGLECT YOUR TEETH WHEN WE OFFER THE BEST WORK AT THESE LOW PRICES 1 i Gold Crowns I Bridgework Bridge rk per tooth Gold Fillings I gs and up lP I Silver SlIver Fillings Best Tooth Teeth Red Rubber A Good Set i Porcelain Crowns I Porcelain Fillings a agold better than gold l to if I PAINLESS EXTRACTION EXTRAC ON A SPECIALTY 60 c FREE WITH OTHER WORK r I REMEMBER All our work is guaranteed It costs you nothing for lor consultation and advice advices I t s CALL AND SEE US VS BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE S I I OFFICE HOURS HOUES TO SUNDAYS 1000 TO BELL TELEPHONE TELE HONE United Dental D Company I i St H L Manager m l lY I II Y I II I 1 t I m I I II tm I 1 lt 0 h |