Show r rM Mr Stumbles l 7 lI I Over a Few Things curtains HH lID delivery woon OD with tho the C drove up to tho the door of ot the tho at nt precisely pre ls lr the samo time Mr hurried harried In from frow tho office to l girl In help the thO dearest d ro t to 0 tel few moro more tho the world apply a 21 their comfy cory cor little neat n t tAll All day IlIr long at et the Mr r bad been reveling In that luxurious self feeling that comes to the tho aver average average age AbO man but bot twice In hI his life when ho first realizes that he ho Is the bead bend of ot a n fAmily and when wilen bo tie marries be second time lime And ADlI visions of ot perched ladder tightly anxiously GO lh b on a lr held beld by his hl hI admiring be dealt a defenseless nail truo true and with blows with a n sledge hammer that might have bate tired the brawny arms arma of ot Village Blacksmith floated ever eer before hetor his eyes eye and smote and withered the figures on his cash ledger most real realistically ly Mrs Ir opened tho the door of ot tho the an at his foot toot resounded on the step After Atter tho necessary preliminaries Dories they wandered locked 10 In mutual Into the sitting room An Anthey A i they entered tho Just wed Ted stumbled over tho j end enel of t their much mission rocker and almost utmost landed Just like that Oh dearie cried Mrs Irs did you hurt burt That clumsy clums old chair chain Oh you jou damn I all nil my fault tault honeybunch I 1 ought to have pushed 11 It out of at the tho Thero There Therel Mr let lot go O of ot Ills his ankle limped bravely around the room several times Just as 40 ho ha had hod seen tho the foothill football players do Jo O out ont at nt the tho ball boil park and Mired hed tho the hammer with that grim determination that must have boo hardened tho the countenance of ot at ho Bridge and An l other he heroes b heroes o roes Then Ilien he laughed cheerfully en eh encouragingly encouragingly debonairly with what woo was meant menDt to bo be tho reckless Indifference of ot the tue soldier of at fortune fortuno Impervious to pain rho stepladder v 1 sophisticated Jolly old cuss that hall had done dono the tamo samo duty time timo and Qed again o aln before for tor other newly newlyweds newlyweds newlyweds weds In tu n the fame apartment gave ao a n mischievous little wiggle wiggie as Mr r mounted the tho third stop step Ohl ohl ohi screamed Mrs Mr And bho ho clutched tho ladder odder with pagan barbarity Mr descended precipitously Just like ilko that But flut bo he quickly forgot bis hi own owe feelings on the matter In his to quiet his hi panting palpitating wife who sank dramatically on the tho davenport Mrs was waa n a woman of at nerves Oh dear dear oh oh dearie do bo ho careful she lie gasped d that Is Is such euch a aa aa aa a dangerous ladder and Im so 60 nerv nerr nervous ous Ten Tee minutes later Inter at the tho tap of ot the tho gong gon Mr Ir again essayed tho the task tuk This time Ume he reached tho ho top of ot the ladder Taking each atop upward In Ie perfect time tino with Mrs rJ nd ad admonitions monitions to not rush rub In ln lilo tho the proverb proverbial ial 1121 tools fools where angels tear fear to tread though she ibo t say Mr It Just that way There as nJ much class to her von ver version sion slon a as though It mode made up for tor It ItIn ItIn Itin In Us its Irritating effect upon Mr Ir nerves He Ho seized the tho nail and hammer and nuel got Jot busy buRy None of ot this bust busi business bustnes ness nes of ot hitting ills his fingers with the ham hammer hammen mer men Instead of ot tho the nail In bis no not for tor his hint And ho either And Anil Mrs Mia smiled approvingly though Silt she still kept a Q clutch as 1111 grim as an death upon u n tho poor t aUng Jolly old step stepladder ladder There Thero you are there thero you are arel Mr Ir fr exclaimed grandly eloquently proudly Now ow hand nio mo tho ho curtain yes nil alt fixed on tho the pole Ill Ili put It In place With Mr Ir managing the top anti and tho the Mr Mrs the tho bottom botton tho the curtain WMS WJ carefully sandwiched In between ho ladler ladder and the wall wull and Mr gave gate 51 0 the tho 1 to Stand while be he put the thing In place Mrs Locked out from under the tho ladder and took her stand critically In the center of oC the lIe room to see ECO that It was hung buns straight Just then tho the Jolly Jail old ladder loader stuck out one of Its splinters and fastened It If In Inthe Inthe inthe the mesh of ot tho ho curtain It have happened In any other way for tor Mr lr jr Just wid ed was WOR oh ob oh no so careful Look look out outi It was woo MM Mrs Just wells dulcet tones tonell dulcet still sUII but with Just a shale of at alarmed Irritation Do Dobo Dotie bo tie careful do bo be careful cant you roc see lIeo youre your tearing the curtain I hub hut did you say lovey and for the tho second time Mr Ir descended ker flump Just like that 1 But Dut this time the lie fall thereof was wan great Curtain pole ladder hammer nails and nil all obeyed the law of ot gravitation at nt the namo time though thou h Mr Ir being the heaviest t object beat bent till the others other to the floor Coor Mrs Irs gasped and gurgled and ond und and fumed and fainted and recovered null and all over oer again Mr Ir pulled the tho nail out his bin left eye ere and nolI dug the tho hammer from the pit of at his stomach and had hall his bis leg half halfway halfway way WOj ou of ot the big bl rent In lu the tho curtain before Mrs recovered sufficiently to get in ID the game same Then Thon the ho rains descended and nd the floods came and the thc honeymoon dovo doo tool took light flight for tor the tbt tall toll timbers timber Oh oh you clumsy she Bho stormed you jou clumsy alums man maul Look at my myne new ne curtain Yes I know dear but Dont Dout but me mo Youre a n clumsy I clumsy clums clumsy c you lOU First I lr t you stumble over oer the tho he mission n chair and then you ou stumble over oer the step stepladder stepladder ladder and and then you yon stumble over oler It lI ale You stumble over olor every everything thing everything do you OU henri No o you Go Co away torn me mel Dont touch me mel wel I boo boo you clumsy Very well madam Mr Ir par parried ried icily lcUy I have havo stumbled over olor those things but let mo me tell tc ii you rou Ive 10 also upon the tho fact that my 00 wife has hn a nasty And hell tho the Jolly old stepladder held heid Its breath and felt real ashamed of oC what It had done but it consoled Itself with the thought Oh Ob well get over it and nolI mako malo up they nil all do |