Show IS IMPROVEMENT ON NATURE Irrigation Methods Method Better Than the theN Natural N Rainfall And irrigation is hotter better than rain Infinitely better That also sounds like a paradox but Instead It Is almost a truism What is better betterto to give Ive a plant just as much macit and an no more water than It needs and Just when It needs It Il or to parch it or drown It accord accordIng log Ing In to the tho whim of the clouds Tho The rain falls upon the tho just and upon tho the unjust alike upon your our strawberries that cry crr for It and upon your sugar I boots that want wa nl uninterrupted sun sunshine sunshine shine Rain Is all right in its place I but it Is a very er poor substitute for Ir Irrigation Otherwise why would w uld the lawns of oC our cities be sprinkled or Ir Irrigated irrl irrigated rl at d instead of leaving them to tho the tender mercy of the clouds No Arid lands are more moro fertile than or ordinary ordinary dinar lands and irrigation liTIgation Is bettor bellor than rain Walter E fol in Sue Suc Success cess Magazine |