Show IMPORTANT ACTION It Is Impossible to attach too much significance to the fact that the Bris and American ministers to China in a protest against tho the re reo removal rein moval in val from office of Yuan Shi Kai Kat Kalhe The he German French Japanese and andall ail all the ilie other ministers at the court of Pekin held back Yuan Shi SM Kal Kai It will be rem bored was in authority during luring tho the Boxer rebellion and it Is thought hought that owing to his hi finesse finse and Interference that tho tIme foreign legation wore not massacred That Thal the lie British and American legations alone had hail an audience with tho the Chinese authorities and made Inquiry o as ns to tho the cause or deposition and received assurances that hat t the policies that ho represented would bo ho sustained Is a fact ot or the tho Greatest diplomatic importance both ae as relates to lo China Chinn and as presaging I a n cooperation of tho time now two greatest 1 I naval powers of tho the world to Ic maintain T J the th open door In the tho East and to pro promote mote tho the cause of progressive lion llor in the most moat populous of all em empires empires pires |