Show m B T i tT i f 1 1 It IJ 81 1 T 11 OPERA HOUSE COMING ATTRACTIONS r P aaa L f 1 I l i I 1 fJ 7 WEDNESDAY THE j l BURGOMASTER 1 f 1 r SATURDAY A TU DA V THE 1 RD R D MILL f f v I I li 1 I y r g u Q jt t ir 1 5 1 ti i I I I 1 1 J j u A r S rI tr Ito I 1 I y t i tf li to tosi L t Lh f LS t I u 11 r I IL L t yrs d J 1 si sij 9 i tl iJ j N THE BURGOMASTER AT THE GRAND WEDNESDAY t e s p I i r h 3 l r rS S r i n k 4 1 f I 4 I t y r s lt 1 h r 1 I Ii J i r r rIY S IY A AINI INI r rev f ev FV t I 1 r rI I I I r l dG J q I fy fyI I t THE TIE BURGOMASTER IJ AT THE GRAND WEDNESDAY THE BURGOMASTER WEDNESDAY WEDNES WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY DAY Harry Helm Hermsen and Ruth White will head the big revival or nr orThe r The Tho Burgomaster which Wm Vm V 1 Cullen will present pre nt at the Grand Wednesday The two clever people aro In the roles robs of oC Peter Stuyvesant governor of New Amsterdam who sleeps for years yeara and awakes to find himself in modern New YorK and of oC Willie the gilded youth woo who essays s to show him around tho town to The costumes for or the revival arc are all now and arc are the handsomest It t u to ald Bald of oC any comic opera now touring The is nil new some of o th tM I scones scenes having been b en changed The rh Burgomaster was tho the first of the th Luders successes 1 to gain favor It is in class with Hobin Hood and Tho Prince of Pilsen for tor or tunefulness and many man of tho t e numbers havo come to be known as ns classic cl Tho The Tale of o the lh Kangaroo OIl I Love Lov You tho the famous Indian chorus Tho Rainy Daisies and other songs havo hav hava a lilt that sends Benda the auditor from the t ih tw theater whistling merrily Miss has baa written a new ne BOng uong which experts expert claim will be a large senor seller sell or It Is en err titled tilled How Many Man Have You Told That To The chorus which IB is It a avery aCT avery very CT large one has hns been selected es os especially P for its singing and dancing ability Mr Cullen will he be rem n borod bored as at tho the producer of The Burg Burgo mastor masor and The Tenderfoot r THE uTHE RED MILL SATURDAY 1 The scenes of Charles production of the musical play pIa iho Rot Rod Mill In which those two clever comedians Whitehead and McNeil eu take lake the tho leading roles rol s are arc l laid l l In Holland It is believed that this 1 I la the tho first play piny over presented In Ameri Amerl America ca dov terl exclusively to the nor or of oC Dutch character and location The quaint atmosphere of the co of dykes windmills and antI wooden shoo shoop 1 is 18 said to have havo b been en n capitally cau cn Jit ht I bb b oy the tho th author Henry Henr Blossom au ana i I I tunefully portrayed by the tho composer COlD poser Victor Herbert The Red Mill is in two acts Ti Tr lI first depicts a square in the town ol ut aan a picturesque place on tho the North Sea The picture is said to be absolutely correct and a duplication of an all actual scene in the th background ground Is the great practical red windmill from which the fHil play takes lakos its name with Its slowly sweep ing ipg sails Balls and at one side Is a n funny tunny little Dutch Inn mu which has 1135 an Important Im inn bearing on the story Tho second scene shows a delft blue In iu Interior tenor representing tho the house bouse of tho the Burgomaster Both those these settings are typical t of the artistic distinction that characterizes all of Charles DU productions 1 The plot revolves around two t stranded Americans played by lI Wells and McNeil They Thoy are arc unable for tor some time to escape from the tho windmill wind windmill wIndmill mill region because they cant pay their board bill In an nn to evade it which calls for or a 3 sensational sortie from a gabled window they lb are captured by the Burgomaster and put to work one as a Walter waiter and tho the theother other othor as an Interpreter The Burgo Burga Burgomasters Bur masters daughter has a love affair with a young sailor and when nor lIeI father finds out about it ho Imprisons her In the old red mill which has the th reputation r of oC being haunted EXTRA CAR FOR MERRY WIDOW Manager of The Burgomaster Or Ordera sera dero Another Car 11 H P Hill In advance of oC Tho The Bur Burgomaster was wall in Ogdon n yesterday and Is sorely puzzled over oer a telegram which he h recently recent received from Wm P Cullen manager of the production The telegram simply conveys the In forn that hereafter for day da jumps tho the troupe will two t pas pas r coaches Instead of or one ouo as 39 for Cor formerly formerly merly rl to carry carr the th people In ilip Ih lie CaRt Ho lit res s the h the tho Iopu V j p l d vl y ti s st 4 fi r rw 1 t l rY rd v t 2 Ps Ki P aa 1 l 7 1 i i r I THE RED MILL AT THE GRAND SATURDAY N I r r 1 I f J rJ J I r L J 1 J j 1 j jJ t 3 r ir i r rf f t J r 4 1 2 i iI I k fei r r tt vJ Md t r 1 1 R r v I r IJ A 1 T 1 A y Y tl r RED ILL 4 J of the Merry Widow hat I which he lie describes as the greatest thing over placed on the head of oC a woman is responsible for the require requirement I mont ment of or an extra coach The Tho fact that 1 UK larger larb r part of the company is com composed comI composed I posed of good looking locking girls Irla who are aro up to dale date in everything lends credence to his theory theor Local agents of the railroad company com company company pany have 1130 been notified noticed that thal hereafter for day jumps jump The Burgomaster will require an extra coach and it IB Is doubt I ml I III If they thor even dream that they tho re requirement is due to a desire on tho the part of the manager of the production to Indulge the whims of his chorus In affording thorn thom ample room to wear the latest t tiring thins in womans head headdress headdress dress dross at all times Mr Ir Hill declares declare that the girls or 01 the female members of oC the j 1 I company compau r are alC not only the ones in the tho company whose whims disturb the peaceful mind of the manager but In Insists Insists I lists that a fad of o the chorus men during a recent engagement encasement of oC The Burgomaster Bur oma at Peoria Peorl Illinois came very near driving Mr rr Cullen to strong drink During the time the thc company compan wan In hr the Central City CIl an au up curio dealer had some canes made mad which he named The uTho Burgomaster canes Those These canes wore all the tile rage rase during the stay sta of o the company In Peoria and made a decided Impression on the th I male members of or the chorus all of oC I whom Invested in one The mere fact that sixteen mem bers of oC the company purchased canes have caused so 50 much trou trouble trouble ble bic had it not nOl been for tho the fact that the heads of oC tho the canes anos were w r of such size not as large larse as 1 a 1 Merry Widow hat but Just 1 I arge arse enough to lo make malte one ono coach look like lIlee It had all It could hold when the company was traveling In It The moro mono Mr Hill thinks of or those I canes and conjures up pictures of r that bunch of oC pretty pr tl girls wearing nearing I Merry lorry Widow hats flats the more ho he Is 1 1 J convinced COD that h is wise wiser to the 0 o I reason for the tho requirement of another er coach I A THEATRICAL That Mac Has Reached Perfection in The IThe I Red Mill MITI M II Company This star story being about under lh ought to he adorned by bya a fl picture ro of or pretty prett Inez de Verifier who ho the biggest understudy hit in Cl elands theatrical history But Miss do Verdier for that very good reason Is l h no longer longcr an understudy and this understudy story tory will wili have to struggle along with no n other pictorial adornment than the faces of three I Iother other members of the tiro beauty I In The Red Rod Mill which is i k scheduled as T 1 the attraction at al the Grand Grani Saturday Satur Saturday darTho day dar Tho The triumph of Inez do Verdier Is 15 a tale talc often told and anel always s with rejoicing ing leg It happened two or three sea seasons seasons seasons sons ago when the skittish Fritzi Scheff Scherr was plating placing an engagement at atthe atthe atthe the Cleveland Opera House Hous The prima donna declined doc lined to go so on for Cor one of the performances and Miss de dc Ver Verdier dier who had understudied the role rolo was told t ld to go ahead and make good If she could If Ie she could Say the way vay that opera house hoult audience got up on Its ItE j i feet and howled Its approbation of I I Inez de do Verd er and her hor singing and dancing lancing and wd her pretty p face and prot proto j ty ways will never be forgotten by I j those who happened to see and hear hearIt I It It u make mal c the story star any worse to add that Fritzi herself is sup supposed supposed supposed posed to have hae witnessed her hor under studs triumph ph from a 3 surreptitious seat scat In the balcony b I Miss de IB is now one of the shining lights of oC The Tho Th Rod fled Mill This J show silo Is s under the tho management ot or Charles the lame who con controls controls controls Scheff Schell or 01 tiles H to and divert divers dl cri other stars knows knoW tho Nobody advantage of sYI systematic sy understudying hotter bolter than DillIngham and an his shows fill their dates In spite of oC sick or tantrums m i j Understudying Is in the technical name mime i t J l h I wv t t 5 iJ ed C S nl rv i k 1 r 7 iy C 11 I 1 VI Pc z rr ti y l j t y r r M t r c w v VI V VI Vo t I 3 L v Yf dY I t x PI l I lI lt o I II I Ii i I I 4 I t t I IF 4 I 1 tt l r I t i Ir A It I If F r J 1 1 t J f J A AN h J I I I I 7 I for the system of substitutes that came into vogue soon after the tho show business got to be tr r 1 real business proposition It means that the lines songs cues and business of every principal part parl in a production aro are studied by bt some minor member of the company co as well as CIS by the player cast for far tho the part parL The understudy is usually a chorus man or woman who never will be missed from his hi usual place tho opportunity offer to fill 1111 the place of u a missing principal pr These opportunities are anxiously awaited and not infrequently prove provo golden chances as witness the eases cases of Miss de Ver ler and the unknown who made an awful hit In Now York last summer when a comedian come como comedian dian ian disappeared rather suddenly Understudying is only a form of or I theatrical Insurance nays Charles Charl s I the stage manager whose arrangements have prepared Tho The Red 1111 any emergency Its an old ohI Institution now but wo tivo carry it further than most moat organizations lions Inthe In th c average company understudying understudy InS ing is a 3 provision that managers cut cul cultivate perfunctorily It lb Is a part of ot if the tho stage Gago machinery like the er cr Here Bore wo we have cult cultivated v the system until It is Ia practically a 3 com complete completa operatic curriculum Our experience has haa shown that work with the subordinate material pays paya Girls and land men mon who come conic to us for auxiliary positions knots that they are uro offered possibilities hies that are arc not nol common In the pro profession foss n A chorus man mon or woman who may DC DC a with us liS but a month or two by providing his or her bel ability to interpret In Interpret satisfactorily one of tho the un understudy Understudy roles may mar bound to distinction I tion lion In a night We hae had hud a anum num bor hor of or instances 09 in this thi way wa oven with within within withIn in tho the past last season ABOUT ABOUT PLAYS AND PLAYERS Discussion of the modern tendency ur ul u musical corned comedy compositions WonG f opinion from Emil li all director of oC muse rouble In U Ie tor 01 Th Tn I I I Red Ked Mill which comes to tho Grand Saturday Mr 11 BIerman has given voice to a afew afew afew few criticisms that should hut but probably probably ably abl will not make the tho ears carE of some som alleged composers tingle with a rud lud ruddy ruddy dy uy glow i Music has bas advanced I I ly In this country within the tho l j I cape ca c said he director American composers of oC great merit havo have writ leu tsu successful works American sing singer er tr If ClI be heard l upon the boards of our first lyric 1 lic stage shoo and American Am a n name for or them reives as n as ofia CI class or order der dor upon various instruments But nut one suffice to show us that the class houses boosts all nIl over the United States Stales resound with a which in almost i ill cabos an os do yie deS servos S to be callad by q quite Ite another ier name thou than music rouBle It PI aUs to b m Rte that a alot lot of oC grafters k know 3 jugglers jl or pirates pi ates command n this fl almost entirely Education Id rather a n hindrance execution is absolutely n IP laughed at and anti refinement of ot feeling lis Is not In their 1 dictionary lc In place of these adjuncts appear excellent business qualifications Oo Oot bans t ns bluff manner and wonderfUl a oar ear a combined with the most n st callous cal us conscience in the world for the brain works of or true truo mum mutu clans The public aswell as well ns the critics is not alow slow to measure the standard of or ofa ora a musical play by such can be seen lathe num numerous numerous erous crous failures of such pieces ph and their snort life oven ovon If successful rul from a x 1 box office standpoint I 1 emphasize these thede last words wordY because the accidental tal success of or such a concoction in no noway noway noway way Indicates that artistic atmosphere Slid and nd musical knowledge have been employer em om employed ecI In Its Ita malting making The real reason r or such a success Is found Cound In e cel lent stage management in the tern Lein Leini i Oral vogue of o a L fine fino actor or In tho the eternal feminine generally advertised QS cs Q the beauty chorus of or tho the world I t n won If certain managers ful l Into IUlo the tho belief mat l rO Oi 1 P if l I the tho public at large Is fa l fond of oC such shows Their contention as 3 to the th life Hie of pieces lleces pieces Is the they j i fact that hat some home mo of money i but if It they thoy consider the i success of or such a piece and tho tho fact inci incidental dental expense expanse of each new Dew lion Uon thor they will seo see that the tho public Is Js 1 t tf I GolIn f e not they tho the public 1 Things B have e como to such a that 9 composers are engaged nowadays t to write tho the score only par I i tunC that ate ale Intended i or 01 tho the low brows arts aro s 8 piled by the j i recalled sons song writers who wile aro with without out education or judgment an aD to the tho j I finess of things musical Mr does doca not class clam all aU modern mod modern ern composers alike Ho He regards Vie Vic j for tor Herbert as ns one of tho the notably notable ex cx I f captious and declares n s that Y far t than the adjuncts I toni ke UD aird ian I and composer composer t 1 FLORENCE ROBERTS 8 r j jI 1 f I The Dha House of Bondage age t e new In which Florence Roberts Rob 9 will wm appear at tho the Grand soon seems seams to tol l aTo a a really extraordinary est s in In foot fact f tho word that pro codes cO ios play pillY is not Dot merely plows picas i li fini and reassuring re but enthus matte It IB Jo declare A that Miss Mice MJ Roberts has had hAti ju in her hor career that has bas her such salient opportunities or embodied a I themo so daring ODd and original When Whon bon it Is IB said that the pivotal climax of tho Cho picco arises through a vital operation by a great surgeon upon the husband of at the wo so soman woman man ho tho surgeon loves lores Some idea of or the tho tremendous dramatic pow power cr er of the maY mar be imagined Miss Roberts RobertA In the role of or the no elected wife of a brilliant English par has a part that suits to toa toa toa a 1 T her great |