Show CONGRESS AFTER ROOSEVELT ROOSEVEL I Congressmen have various ways was ol ot getting back at tho the President in re revenge revenge revenge for tor his insinuation that they thoy I ore ere determined to be exempt from he espionage of or tho the government de do detectives detectives It will be remembered that tho the convening cf of this cession session of congress the tho President is issued Issued sued suell an order discontinuing tho the or orvice vice vica icE of marines on warships This Is order was very cry unwelcome to the thO marInes and their friends in congress and an am 11 inasmuch as ns It Is now every everything eer everything thing to disoblige Roosevelt there theres s f a movement In congress to rein rem reinstate reinstate state the tho marine service If the tho ques question tion wore left to tho most competent officers of or the tho navy congress would doubtless find finel the the President sustained l lIn In lii his position Time The admiral of the Atlantic fleet ha hm has cabled that tho the of the service has been beon improved since tho the marinas marln wore ore taken from the ships Tho The P Ps fleet admiral cables In substance the same sarno information The Tho captains cl of the battleships and cruisers have IH 0 expressed themselves as ns of the sa l mind These officers all In active service and anti cognizant of o actual condi conditions lions are aro such witnesses as ns be lie accepted by any judicial body and md heir testimony Is corroborated corroborate by ly Admiral Dewey Rear Roar Admirals Evans Evan Converse C and Pillsbury IT and imay m 1 other Ihor officers of o wide ex experience e On the other hand the th opinion opinIon opinIon ion that the marines should bo DO relo rehe staled in their old duties Is shared ly by y some Borne officers of or tho the navy DU and many manyOL OL or tho the marine corps It Is generally agreed that the Uio character of seamen or blue jackets Ja as they are are called is now higher than lIlan over before The time is past pas whon marines were necessary to keip ke ll till tur Jackie jackies in subjection ailo or III ir ashore 8 hore During the now famous tho the behavior ot o the American seamen Beamon has been beon beyond b rond 1 The squads of poll ent sent ashore to prevent disorder were made up of or sailors not of or marines S bud thor they had little or no occasion to ti Interfere with the action of their ern cm rales rles Reports from tho time state staw tir that tho the sailors have havo made as good god it a 1 police record as os tho the marines have havo I made atie on other occasions It remains to be seen Been what action congress will take in the case ease |