Show I LARGE NUMBER OF PENSION PE I i BILLS PASS THE HOUSE Washington Jan 23 A large largo num number her ber or ot of pension bills wore passed by bythe bythe bythe the house today toda and by the rho decisive vote vole of 12 I 1 to the iho house refused to the pension of Julia B 13 Coth tan Ian widow of the late Rear Admiral Coghlan U S N from 50 O a month as na recommended by br b the committee on pensions to as proposed ed in an amendment offered by hr Representative of New York Consideration of a bill hill to prohibit I the he importation of opium except for purposes was prevented by Mr lr Ir Payne Pane of oC New York on the round ground that such acton action would reduce the national nat lonal revenue a n north and would not lessen the tho use of tho iho drug ch ng I I At 2 the tho house adjourned j until tomorrow when memorial ser service er I vice will be held for to l the late laic Representative I Dunwell of Now York Yorki I I |