Show TRAI TRAINS NS IN fiN fiNin TOTAL CRASH I Three Men M en Killed Kill e din in Wreck Fees Near Johns Johnstown Johnstown Johnstown town Pennsylvania Altoona Pa Jan 23 In an impell e log frog the second section of tho the thet I I SI t Louts Louis Lou express ss westbound which Wh left Philadelphia at I 30 yes yesterday afternoon crashed into the tho thai I first section ut at Summer Slimmer Hill Hm 25 miles nil ies west of this city cily at 1230 12 30 this morning killing three persons and aud injuring six cne no probably fatally The list sit ui killed and Injured fol foi follows lows Dead I IS I S I f L Taylor Ta lol Brooklyn employed by Charles E Rung broker New York YorkI M 51 I J 1 Kelly Kell a Pullman car ear conductor loi tor Jersey City Charles Charlos Coleman Coloman colored a Pullman porter porte Philadelphia Injured W J Johnson on second and McKean streets Cincinnati I I I r Mrs Adam Green street Anderson Ky Ny j jW W 1 D Kissell I Issell fireman Pittsburg Four FoUl mall clerks 8 not serious Those rhose killed as well wen as a Mrs John j json 1 son on and ani Mrs ills were all an on 1 i the he sleeper which was at al the Ute end of o 1 the first section j Kissell was the fireman f roman on the sec second second second ond section He Ho had two ribs broken i and was waH removed to the tho Altoona hos boa nl Johnson and Mrs Ira Rankin wore were able to continue their Journey west nest As soon as al news of or the wreck reach reached ed od the city a fl special train was hur bar barred hurried hurr red ried r ed to lo the scene carrying railroad of 1 and all the tho available physicians ph j I Iwho who could je ie M hurriedly summoned to the tho Pennsylvania railroad station here A request was also sent to 10 Johnstown l for forr physicians and anti a special train was trashed rushed to tho the scene of or the wreck The rhe first reports of tho the accident stated slated t that hat ninny many mall were killed scores injured R ind nd the lie first section of or the express 1 demolished d These exaggerated re r 1 1 ports in circulation up to the f S time lime that the relief train reached 1 lg this city i iI The first section of the express had hadn been n stopped slopped by b a freight which h was wasI I slowly and nod the fog was so soI dense that the Ibe second section crash tn ei into inlo the first When the tho wreck occurred oc occurred nearly nearl all tho the passengers were in lit their berths asleep or 01 dozing In la their seats seals The greatest excitement prevailed The compact put out all the lights and the tho passengers rushed wildly lIdl from the thc wrecked coaches cry crying Cr Cring crying ing for assistance The point at which the he t accident occurred is some distance from a telegraph station and It was wasI I several minutes before the tho railroad rI people here or in Johnstown know o 0 of 1110 accident j I jAs As soon as they wore were apprised of or the lie wreck special trains were rapidly nade ready and sent to lo the with all possible speed |