Show ONE OF THE OLDEST MEN IN AMERICA Escaped the Terrors of r C Many Winters by Using Peruna 44 a S Sr r La Lar r I Attribute my ny S Old I 1 I Age to Use UseI I Q ru na I Irp rp S 4 4 A V f 5 L Air lu Isaac Brock Years Old Last Birthday ISAAC BROOK a n citizen of McLennan 1 I county coun ty Texas has haa lived H for 1 0 years For many years ho resided at Frills Fas eighteen miles s west of oC Waco but hut now lives with his nt at Volley Valley Mills Texas Mr Brock Broek Is 18 a n dignified old gentle genUe gentleman man showing fow ow signs of or decrepitude His Ills family niblo Biblo is still preserved and it shows that tho the dato date of his birth was written nl years ago ngo In speaking of oC his good health and extreme bId id ago age Mr Brock says Bays One of the tho things I 1 have havo found out outto outto I Ito to my mv entire satisfaction Is 15 tho ihu proper thing for aliments s that arc are due duc directly to the effects of the climate For 20 years I 1 have withstood the changeable climate of the thc United States I I havo have always boon bean a very Tory healthy man but hut of ot course subject to tho thi affections affections ions which are aro duo to sudden changes In the he climate and temperature As for tor Dr Hartmans remedy Peruna J I have bate found It 11 to bo ho the best bestif bestif if not the only r remedy for these affections It has bas been be n my mJ standby for many years and I attribute my mJ good health and extreme old age to this remedy It exactly meets all mj my require requirements ments monts It 11 protects mo me from rota tho limo ovil evil of ef cots of sudden changes changeR it gives mo Tao strength It keeps my blood In tp good go cl cir circulation circulation I havo como come to rely upon It Jt T almost entirely for Cor the tho many little things for I need medicine When epidemics of or In la grippe first began to make mako their appearance in this it is country I nas a sufferer from this dis dig disease case ease I had several long sieges with the tuo t o grip At first I 1 did not know that Pertina was a LJ remedy for this tills disease When I 1 heard that la Jo grippe was epi epidemic epidemic demic catarrh I tried Peruna for la In lagrippe lagrippe grippe and found it the thing In a n later loiter letter Mr fr r Brock writes I 1 am well wall and nud a d feeling as oe well veIl as ns I havo for years Tho Tim only thing that lint bothers mo sue IB is my sight eight If It I could seo hotter bettor I could walk all over tho time farm farmand aria and it would do mo me good goo I would not bo be without Peruna Yours truly fy jf A letter dated ted July 3 8 1000 1006 written Hon for or Mr Brook Brock by bj his wife wHo Sarah J Brock states Last winter I had just gotten up out au of a spell of sickness when I com corn commenced commenced taking Peruna I think It im Jm improved proved my health very cry much In a postscript Mrs Brock adds Ho lb receives a groat many letters lotter in inquiring Inquiring quiring about what Peruna will do I r Ido rdo Ido do not answer them all nIl an as n I think they can got get a bottle bottlo and try it |