Show PRINCETON ASI AS fIRE IN CENTER I OF TOWN I II I PROPERTY LOSS IS BETWEEN 60 AND Students of Princeton University Turn TurnOut TurnOut TurnOut Out and Assist Fireman and arid Cit Citizens In Fighting Flames Princeton X N J r I Jan 23 Fire which broke out early this morning in the Terminal restaurant on In the center of the town de destroyed destroyed about ten buildings and anti caus ens fi d 1 a loss of between OOOO and 75 before It was brought under con control control control at 3 30 The rho destroyed ed property contested consisted chiefly of oC restaurants and second nand shops hops with the exception of I the he Alhambra 1 building in which the Terminal res restaurant restaurant was located locate and which was alao also used by the tho Order of Odd Fellows IP ti their lodge room The Tho burned district extends about I 00 feet reet on street and J 00 yards on Spring street streeL The rho lames spread HO so rapidly that assist waa was asked of Trenton but be before before before fore the apparatus ap reached here front from that city the flames wore were under don con control on Irol 1101 The great danger was that the f flames might communicate with a huge gas tank lands which contained about cubic feet of or gas and also reach rc ch the Lower Pyne dormitory Tho The fire fin is still burning but hilt there Is no 10 further furth r danger of or its spreading All of the tho students of the Princeton university turned out and assisted the firemen and citizens in keeping back the tho flames and In carrying carr goods from buildings in tho the path of the fire Soy Sev Several So eral era buildings s on oa the opposite side of Witherspoon street were badly damaged dam aged but tho Chu heroic work of or tho the I who formed a bucket kept the fire Ore from Crom spreading to that section I |