Show INTEREST IN d PANAMA SCANDAL Increasing acres sin g as Subject a het is Agitated Cromwell Two o Hours ours on Stand to n Washington Jan 23 Through Win Wm Nelson elson Cromwell who tube negotiated the rho Panama canal purchase the federal jury which is inquiring Into ino I to Loo t c alleged statements of o tUo tho I Now Aou ow York World and tho rho Indianapolis News In n connection with that transact transaction lion tion today toda got gol at al rho bottom o of tha tiro th I facts in fn the case Mr air Cromwell wa Wt t i under examination for two hours Hu He brought with him a large number ot o tapers papers and these were carefully gono gone ncr ner So earnest was teas Mr air Cromwell in Ills statements that at times limes his hI force loice clearly could he lie heard In the tho co coo condors riders of o the tho city hall although noth nothing nothIng nothIng ing that he ho said aid ll could be ho understood He Ho Ie declined to make any an statement beyond the rho fact tact that ho he to was leaving leavin for lor New otc York this afternoon An interesting feature fr ol or the hear hearing heaving ing was tho rho offering effacing of oC the rho evidence ct o c che he original warrant for tho the by b which the government acquired Mile HIe to tho rho canal ownership The Tho document was framed and wn brought to the tho grand jury room byS by byS S R Jacobs a clerk clock jp i t the rho office ot of t the auditor for tor the tho t F s ato ale department l When hen the Uto grand jury un until til londa It ft was the understanding that thai more moro witnesses w i ij to 1 appel apPe r Mr talc Cromwell was the only witness roust Proctors Previous to entering the grand room ho he had hall an extended con COll conference ference with frith District Attorney Baker Mi It Cromwell brought him a miss mass massof m of o papers a as did District Attorney Att 0 rno aker and bis his assistant Mr air Ir i imara imars mars mara no one would volunteer r rat any at Information on tho rho subject It I is IsI believed believe that Mr air Cromwell laid bare I the whole story of oC his connect conn cllon Ion j the lire Panama canal purchase Pl iy ry 1 with tha that phase which had bad to ilu lu with the of o tho rho to I shareholders In an Interview last fall Call Mr I f Iw well w ll dented denied don led that any aHYo o of Ihs his mss T came back Into American hAnds bonds h Mr 11 Cromwell would not the tiro thease ase raso in any nt pr its ph sos ter leaving l alD the grand jury jar room He said sale that j i ho he would leave leae for far New York Turk tU Z af n noon In the she com course so of his ex ux examination x i S R Jacobs I Ia a i number anther o 1 i official papa pap vs s tI 9 c tt wore oro all to do with tit tb Panama li I 77 v Jt It was learned hat one orie ot or rho io I framed exhibits wag waa the original gov gor gO j I eln warrant of or drawn rawn I in favor of or J I T P F Morgan R Co for or payment to tie tr foreign shareholders 1 i |