Show CHAPTER The Th Startling St Message Me She Sho had hod looked up only to be blind bUnd blinded cd ed by hy the dancing flame She Sho held hold her hands before her eyes The flame per persistently annoyed her She moved from her seat seal It pursued her Iter Again she looked up and even from this height I 1 could see seo that she was frowning In her anger and annoyance Sho She seated herself at another bench But she could not shako shalto off art her tor tormentor tormentor tormentor mentor It no longer beat on her faco face and antI person person It moved steadly toward her then traveled along tho path of tho Elm promenade trespassed tre into tho the garden of oC a cottage shot by the cottage cottage cot cotS tage itself halted at a hugo huge wooden signboard on which was Inscribed a along along along long advertisement adY in Ip French pro proclaiming proclaiming proclaiming claiming the tho exalted merits of a Swiss chocolate I It ged tremulously across tho the signboard It paused at a capital let letter letter letter ter I Helena had watched It curiously un nn until anUi til Ui It disappeared Into the garden i Then sho she had lost Interest In its move movements movements ments and had once more scanned anxiously the tho chateau opposite Patiently and persistently the beam heam of or light repeated its antics Again It moved swiftly this UlI thi time to the signboard oard And now she sho turned in her seat and watched it until It again paused at the letter I Twice the tho mirror was cis flashed on tho the billboard twice It at tho the letter letterI I It disappeared to reappear at A From A It Il darted swiftly to M 11 An Another Another Another other pause and again It vanished Once moro more it pointed to A once moro more it vanished When It climbed the signboard sl again it wandered vaguely about as aa asIf asif if seeking a letter After ACter some somo hesi besl hesitation tation tho the mirrors reflection fell fo on P 1 Thence it shot to R Again It hes hesitated hesItated but it last settled on I r Once more it selected S 3 Thence In quick I succession camo came 0 O N E R RI RI RI I AM A PRISONER it had spelled But Bitt while Helena and I were still sU staring at tt tho the board the shaft of light darted in feverish haste hasto from letter to letter until it had spelled sp lIed another word FORBES The kings messenger had been an English officer and ono one of oC the first military duties a boy O learns at Sand Sandhurst Sandhurst hurst burst or Woolwich is When therefore Captain Forbes had seen Helena across the river and had realized the tho futility of or his shouting being a man of oC wit and resource be he had told of the imprisonment in this happy hap method He Ho had flashed Hashed his message SUCCORS RB fully fu Helena understood She looked upward toward tow rd tho the chateau nodded excitedly and again eagerly watched tho the signboard She was not to be dis disappointed disappointed disappointed appointed Tho The message was not Quito quite complete These two words were added GET HELP Helena made a gesture of compre comprehension hension and walked rapidly In tho dl di Continued on o Pago P go Fourteen F |