Show I The Financial Savior of Mexico j j YVES flES LIMANTOUR LUr head of ot tho the 11 Department of at Haciendas In tho the I government of ot President Diax dicta dictator dictator tor ton over oler the tile so called republic of ot Mexico Is tho the man whose brain ha has really relly done dace the tile reconstruction work worl that has ha brought brou ht Mexico up out of ol tue financial slough of ot despond In which the country hitherto floundered M Limantour Is French rench by extraction and European In appearance but he be Is 10 American by financial acumen neumen Ho lIo long Ions ago ogo n o realized that la In order to tomake make any Industrial headway It would bo ho necessary for tor Mexico to borrow many mil lull millions lions ions of ol money The shrewd Mexican also alro figured out oct that the tho bulk of ot this money mane would have havo to come from the United States St and that the tho friendship of or this nation held out tb th the only quick salvation for tor poverty stricken Mexico Yet that republic held and In Indeed Indeed deed still holds out Olt many splendid fields field of oC investment especially when tho ac active tive thu development of ot any all proposition Is in trusted to American managers has hns consistently urged the government of or Mexico to adopt a foreign and domestic policy that would reassure Wall Street and ho lie has ban always kept ept In close touch tonch With sith the money powers of ot this country countr He has bee secured laws Ins that grant gront nil all foreigners every elery advantage that any Mexican tan can an possess with two exceptions namely the right to vote voto oto which Is worth nothing In a n country ruled by b Dies Diaz anti and tho ho right to own on land within 40 to miles mUes of ot tho the Mexican border This last rule rulo means meaDS that the Mexican government has bus had eo 50 much trouble with Indians Indiana ond smugglers that it will not permit foreigners to own OTO anti and control land that near any allY other country although It Is really the northern border near the tho United States that tho the law intrinsically hears beau upon Emigration to Mexico Is now fond fondest fondest est dream of ot the financial savior of ot his hIli country In n a recent article referring to this M I said We Mexico need men muon and end women who will produce and consume consumo and thereby give work ork to our laborers and alHo also In ID IDI creaso tho Ulo output of at such materials for tor I commerce that Mexico can enD produce prado co for tor exportation and ned so enable this country in turn to buy more moro of ot articles needed to assist in 10 her development and civilize civilization tion Uon M Yo has ono great hobby bobby Ho Hoh 13 h passionately devoted doroted to music and Is Isa Isn Isa a n marvelous pianist Ho Do has boa invariably assisted musicians struggling toward sue suc success uc coos cess and has In addition tho the great mans fondness for tor pottering around his hIli own garden tending tho the marvelous products of ot tho the semitropical soil Boll of or Mexico I I I |