Show I TO CELEBRATE TE BURNS ANNIVERSARY The Tle l anniversary of the tho birth of t Robert RoberL Burns Buirt will bo be elaborately celebrated at the lie Congress Con ress Dancing academy tomorrow evening under tao tan I auspices of oC the Order ot of Scottish Cronies of or Ogden Oden Robert H II loc I chief and anti George Lockhead Jr sec r The Inspiration for the lie oc occasion casion caslon Is expressed In tho lie following poem loom from Crom Burns Bums Thou Then lei Ici us liS pray that come It may mayAs mays As s come It will for or a that lint That sense an worth oer a the earth May bear the thc gree an a that For a that an a that Its coming comInS yet ot for Cor a that That Thai man to man mall the world oer Shall ShaH be for a that lint Program Concert S P M 1 1 1 Opening remarks chairman 2 duet There was a lad lail was born In InKle Kyle Kle Burns Mrs Irs Heber Warner Varner and andiss Miss iss Jeanie Joanie J Benzie 3 solo Scots AVlia ha Ilae Ilao Burns Mr Ir An Anderson deison derson I solo lOA A Mans lans a Man Ian for fora a That What Burns Durns Mrs lieber Heber Warner 5 cornet cornel solo Scottish Airs BUrns Bums Mr lr Frederick Finke C G solo The Star of Robert Burns Miss Jeanie Denzie 7 poem Burns Dr A S Condon 8 S Oration on Burns Hon B II Jf Roberts 9 0 solo Flow Sweet Afton Arlon Burns Air Mr Ir Alfred Strat ford 10 11 solo selected Burns Mrs J J II Spargo 11 And Aud Lang Lanb Sync Syne S ne neI Burns audience au lenc 12 Star Spangled I Banner audience Dance Program 1 waltz altz 2 Highland 3 4 A Flowers of oi oi 5 S wait w C 6 Scotch reel 7 H i S 8 Virginia reel reeC i 0 9 waltz 10 io plain quadrille 11 Ii two stop Step 12 l 13 Highland schottische 11 waltz Committee on arrangements Rob Rohi Robert ert erl H Moves Moyes Geo Coo Lochhead James Iame T S Georgo George Lochhead Jr Ir I Committee on floor George Geol e Loch head hend Jr Tr 1 I 1 s Hutchison Committee on reception Mrs Irs Rob Robert Robert ert Crl Moyes Mo s Mrs Irs George Lochhead Tr Jr Mrs Irs A t S Condon Mrs Irs James Mac Nac beth Mrs ilin hR GPO Gee Lochhead Mrs T S 5 Hutchison At the door James Mac llac Both Beth |